Chapter Two

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Max's POV

The morning was spent listening to Pj ramble on about his date with his girlfriend. He would describe it in every elicit detail, from what they did when they met up, to where their date was and what they did after. It was nice he was happy, I was happy for him. I'm glad he enjoyed his date.

I could still remember last night, Bobby not so much, he was as joyous and whimsy as before.

Nothing killed his pep.
It was wonderfully funny.

Sometimes I wonder if he's ever putting it on to avoid certain conversations or avoid being treated in such ways. There's nothing wrong asking for a little bit of help but if somebody doesn't want it you can't force yourself to help them.

I sighed and pulled out my phone checking the time.

I almost had to leave for work, I waved Pj and Bobby off as I made my way back to the dorm to change for work. As I got in I turned the stereo on and rummaged through my stuff for my uniform. Grabbing my dress pants and shirt, I shoved them aside and hopped in for a quick shower.


I stood outside waiting for guests to arrive, I sighed leaning on the little stand outside the door. The evening was cold but kind of like a tolerable coolness.
Just nice I suppose.

I would soon perk up feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I glanced around before checking it.
• Bobz: "Yo! Maxipad! How's work??"•
•Maxx: "Boring, wuu2?"•
•Bobz: "Chilling, baking B)"•
•Maxx: "You better save me some when I get back! >:("•
•Bobz: "Sure Sure! Whatever you say brooo!"•
I sniffed a chuckle before sliding my phone away as a pair pulled up in their car.


I sighed as I got in from work, I slumped entering, throwing off my uniform into a corner.

Bobby was still up, sitting at the window he quietly waved at me as Pj was sleeping soundly, snoring away.
I walked over to him and joined him by the window.

"Hey." He cooed.
"Sup." I whispered back.
"Sooooo, how was work??" Bobby asked passing me his joint, I took it gently taking a drag.
"It was alright, bit slow, a table that was booked in that never showed up so- that was fun cleaning up." I sighed, blowing a cloud as I did so.
"Sucks dude." Bobby muttered taking the joint back.

"Wanna like- go out and get something? I've got the munchies." He grinned as I gently shook my head with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah sure." I said as he pressed out his joint while I threw on a t-shirt and some jeans and we soon left.


We left the 7/11, I carried the bag as Bobby held our hotdogs. We found a bench to sit on and proceeded to eat our hotdogs.
"Do you think the cashier knows I'm high?" Bobby asked as I chuckled.
"Oh definitely." I grinned with a nod as Bobby shook his head.
"How though?" He asked.
"Dude. You were watching the hotdogs rolling for 5 whole minutes and when the clerk came up and asked if you needed help you said nah I'm waiting." I scoffed.

"Waiting for what?" He asked.
"I don't know the hotdogs?!" I exclaimed as we giggled.

"Pass me my drink bud-diii!" Bobby asked out holding his hand as I sighed digging through the bag for his drink, I handed it over, he took it slowly, a gentle smile as he did so.
"Thanks!" He muttered as I hummed in response.
"Sorry if I weirded you out last night." He said opening his can taking a swig.

"It's fine, you were high right? So-" I rubbed the back of neck awkwardly as Bobby shrugged.

"I mean yeah kind of but I wasn't lying y'know.." Bobby smiled sheepishly, I gulped holding my stomach with a free hand.
"You're like- beautiful man and I'd be honoured to kiss you." Bobby stated as he finished off his hotdog as I just stared at mine. My heart pounded and my stomach swelled. I felt ill. All I could do was awkwardly chuckle as Bobby cocked a brow.

"What?" He muttered, a slight smirk adorning his face.

"Do you seriously mean it? Me pretty? Of all things?" I asked. It was silly I had to ask but I've never been described as pretty before, that's what flowers or girls are usually complimented as, but me?

"Yep! One of THE prettiest dudes I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and befriending." He grinned tilting his can towards me. I felt value in his words, I could feel my cheeks warm with gratitude and a lick of butterflies.

I'm pretty.
I smiled.

•I'm pretty..• I would echo in my head trying not to get a massive ego over it.

"Yeah well- I suppose you're pretty too." I shrugged as Bobby giggled.
"I appreciate it but we both know I'm fugly and don't spiel crap like 'oh but Bobby it's true!' Or 'don't say that about yourself!' I'm fugly and proud, plus I think I suit my face. Right!" He grinned framing his face with his hands and blew a kiss.
"Yeah alright dude! Whatever you say!" I rolled my eyes amused nudging his shoulder as he leaned back against the bench, taking a sip from his can.

I finished up my hotdog and we soon got up, heading back to our dorm.

We wandered the Campus for a bit, listening to Bobby yap, watching him swing around lamp-posts Like a stripper. Well not really, it was more like an electrical whisk spinning in a bowl.

We soon quietly snuck back into our dorm as to not disturb Pj's slumber, we then striped down to our underwear and vests and would soon enter our beds, silently wishing each other a goodnight.

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