introduction to the new bodyguard...

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*Y/n pov*
I was just working on my new project when my dad entered the room i waited for him to say something thats when i noticed that he wasnt alone there was a handsome guy behind him too who was making some weird faces i looked at my dad
*yn pov end*
Y/DAD- good evening darling meet your new bodyguard
*her dad said gently*
*she looked at jungkook who was making weird faces like judging her from her appearence*
*so her dad hired a bodyguard for her because their family was the richest in the country and he was scared that someone may try to kidnap his precious only daughter*
Y/n- ok dad but is having bodyguard necessary i can just take care of myself
*her dad nodded*
Y/dad- of course ny baby its necessary i dont want anything bad to happen to you
*her dad said gently while jungkook rolled his eyes looking at her intently studying her then her dad went away from there closing the door*
*jungkook finally looked at you as he sighed*
Jungkook- you look rich
Y/n cause i AM rich but you look arrogant
*jungkook rolled his eyes*
Jungkook- you think you are incharge here?you might be rich but i am your bodyguard so you better start treating me with respect
Y/n- just go to your room now its time for me to sleep
*Jungkook looked at her weirdly before questioning*
Jungkook-are you ordering me
Y/n ugh im not ordering you ok fine im requesting you please go to your room mister
Jungkook- thats better princess
*he said as he leave the room while she face palmed herself and said to herself in her mind*
Yn-what a strange man

as jungkook leave he heard her face palm as he found her brattiness pretty amusing he went to the room closest to hers which was now his as he lay on the bed and let out a sigh*
This princess is going to be a death of me *he muttered to himself before falling asleep*
*Y/n got up as she got ready to leave for school*

as jungkook leave he heard her face palm as he found her brattiness pretty amusing he went to the room closest to hers which was now his as he lay on the bed and let out a sigh*This princess is going to be a death of me *he muttered to himself bef...

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(Uh i just had this pic if you didnt liked it you guys can imagine some other one😅😅)
*she was heading downstairs when she saw jungkook drinking coffee while looking out*

(His look🤓)*she didnt wanted him to come with her so she thought of going out siliently but jungkook caught her attempting to go out all by herself he walked siliently towards you*Jungkook-and where do you think you are going princess*she sighed ...

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(His look🤓)
*she didnt wanted him to come with her so she thought of going out siliently but jungkook caught her attempting to go out all by herself he walked siliently towards you*
Jungkook-and where do you think you are going princess
*she sighed when he caught her*
Y/n what do you think by my uniform im going to my school
*jungkook chuckled amused by her atitude*
Jungkook-and you really think you could sneak out without me noticing
*he asked stepping closer to you looking down at you with a smrik on his lips*
Y/n- i mean why would you even come to school with me
*jungkook chuckled before answering*
Ofc i would its my job to keep you safe and not let you go out of my sight
Y/n fine whatever
*after making thousand of faces and arguements they went to school*
*jungkook followed you through the school sticking close by yur side noticing the whole hallway to make sure nobody is suspicious*
*thats when her best friend lizzy came being so excited to talk*
Lizzy- oh god y/n where were you
Y/n i was at home where am i even supposed to be
Lizzy-oh my sassy gi- wait who is that handsome guy with you
*she said almost drooling over him while you made a weird face*
*jungkook smriked when she called him handsome it wasnt new to him he was used to of getting compliments from girls his gaze turned to you when you rolled your eyes*
Y/n he is my new bodyguard now can we PLEASE head to class
Lizzy- ok ok uh yeah before that make sure to meet jimin okie?
Y/n sighed and nodded
~.....................end of part 1......................~

...•ok so my cuties how was the story pardon me for all the mistakes i made it was like my first story i putted all my efforts, tell me where i was you always byeee•........

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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