Chapter five...

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I opened the front door of my house and walked into the kitchen. Beverly Mike and Ben walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, Stan Bill and Eddie followed me into the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I said before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Buttface." I said to my sister before I stole one of her cherries.

"Get your own asshole." She said before hitting me. She grabbed her bowl and stood up. "We have the same face." she rolled her eyes before disappearing into the living room.

"Hey kids how was school?" my mom asked, plating a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

"Boring as usual." Bill said. "You know i hate being friends with you son, wherever he is girls tend to follow and alway hit on me."

"Well you are an attractive young man you should feel honored."

"Yes, he is Maggie." Stan said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

My mom finally looked up from what she was doing and she noticed Eddie for the first time. "Who is this?" she asked, smiling at him. "New boyfriend?"

"This is Eds, he is our new lead singer, you should hear him. He has the voice of an angel."

"Hi, it's very nice to meet you." he said, shuffling his feet.

"Oh honey it's nice to meet you too. You don't have to be so nervous." she said. "Me and your father are going out tonight and probably won't be home until late tomorrow. Your friends can sleepover if you want." She took off her apron and hung it up in the pantry. "Help yourself to anything in the house Eds."

"Actually it's Eddie, Eds is just a nickname you son gave me to annoy me."

"Well Eddie." she smiled before walking up the stairs.

"Billiam, Stanial, snacks. Eds come with me." I said, grabbing Eddie's hand and pulling him into the living room where Beverly and Rachel sat on the floor eating cherries, and Ben and Mike sat on the couch.

"What, no fair she can have some?" I said letting go of eddies and walking over to Rachel.

"She asked, you- dipshit stop." she said as i took another one.

I walked back around and sat next to Eddie on the love seat. It was so small that it made our legs touch and feeling him so close set my body on fire. I don't know why but this boy is very different from the others.

"Rachel language." my dad said coming into the living room.

"He stole my cherries." Rach said, rolling her eyes. "And the last one too. Now I have to go get more."

"Richie, stop stealing your sisters food." my dad said, looking at me. "Oh hi. You're new. Are you Richie's new boyfriend?" my dad asked and I noticed Eddie's face turn a light pink.

"Yes he is. Isn't he the cutest." I joked pinching eddies cheeks. "Cute cute cute."

"Stop touching me." he said, slapping my hand away. "No i am not his new boyfriend-"

"Not yet." I smiled, throwing my arm around him laying it on the back of the couch.

"Not ever. I'm the new lead singer in their band." he smiled up at my father.

"Well it's very nice to meet you. I'm Wentworth." my dad said, holding his hand out for him to shake.

"Eddie," he said, shaking my dads hand.

"Between you and me, you should totally date my son, he seems to really like you." my dad smiled, letting go of Eddie's hand and giving me a thumbs up.

"He seems into everyone." Beverly said, making the group laugh.

"That's not true, everyone seems into me. I just like people." I corrected

"Wentworth we have to go."

"Okay i'll see you kids later."

"Bye." Everyone called out to them.

"Bye love you." Rachel said coming back with a new bowl of cherries.

band of loser: the new kid and the misfits (a reddie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now