Dearest Gentle Reader

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(In Lady Whistledown's voice)

Dearest Gentle Reader,

It has come to this author's attention that the fate of Miss Cressida Cowper has left many in the ton either satiated or bewildered. With an emphasis on the latter, this author takes it on great authority, that taking some much needed time for self-reflection in the serene countryside has in fact brightened both the complexion and the mind of Mayfair's scandalous dame.

Surely Miss Cowper has embarked on a new personal journey of self-discovery and will not by any means fall for all the charms of the open air, greenest of hills, and certainly not the brooding servant, a widower with not one, not two, but three young daughters.

(Fade into Penelope Bridgerton's voice)

Lastly, it is not lost on this author, that often, our greatest battles often require our greatest evils to come to light. Cornered animals have nothing left but to claw their way out. In retrospect, it should be noted that Miss Cowper's actions were out of desperation for preservation, something this author understands all too well. Adversity is the first path to the truth. May Miss Cowper indeed find her own personal truth and I'd like to add to that, contentment. 

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