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I slowly walk down the crowded hallway. Silently staring down, with my bronette hair tips died blonde drooped down into my face, hugging my books as I get pushed and shoved aside as I try to make it to my next hour before the bell rings.

I walk into my fourth hour and take my seat. Alone, by the window in the far corner of the classroom. The whole hour I don't bugde, I don't raise my hand, don't say a peep, all I do is take notes and do as I am asked. Mr. Brian never calls on me, he knows I don't talk much, well I guess I don't talk at all. But it doesn't matter to him because I do all the work, listen, never have to ask questions and I get and have A's in every class.

At lunch I sit in my normal spot at an empty table, in the far right of the cafeteria. I stare at my food, playing with it with my fork. I decide that I'm not hungry today and throw it away.

At the end of the day, just as I get to the doors I get pulled aside. Its James and his "possy". James smiles, I know what comes next ... few minutes later ... I stand up using the wall for support with one hand as I use the other to wipe the blood from my nose and mouth. I'm all scratched up, bruised and cut. I fight back the tears as I watch James and his "possy" walk off laughing as though nothing had just happened.


Plz comment, I'm curious to hear what you thought of this chapter and I'm curious if you have any ideas to help me.

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