And The World Came Crashing Down

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The next day before my dad and I left to go to court we had to meet up with mom and sis. We got out of the car and I saw them. They were just sitting there together on a bench not far from us. She saw me and smiled, she and my sister stood up and started walking towards me. The police car my dad is suppose to ride in to court had just arrived when it happened, the sound of gun shot, and I watched as my world ended in front of me.

I slowed to a stop and turned to see my dad shoved against our car being handcuffed as they pry the gun from his grasp, him thrashing, gritting his teeth, fighting back. I turn back, everything is in slow motion and muffled. I can't help but let out this blood curdeling pleading scream, my eyes a blurry mess of tears as I watch my sister fall to her knees at my moms side shaking her pleading for her to wake up as we watch her bleed out from the wound in her chest. I lay my head on her stomach as I her the sirens of ambulences in the background.

The paramedics pry me off my mom as I scream "No! No! Please no ... don't leave me ... I just got you back." My scream quiets to a light sob as I turn and hug the random paramedic holding me back. He asks if I wanna ride along. I wipe my face and nod.

The ride was horrible me and my sis were balling our eyes out me hugging my sides as we both watch our mom and the paramedics. I felt so useless. It couldn't end like this I hadn't said good bye, hey I haven't even said hello. I prayed even though I don't know how I took a shot at it and said in my head "god plz, plz don't take her I need her, she's not ready to join you. No! I'm not ready for her to join you. Amen."

At the hospital we had towait in the waiting room. It was so quiet so sad, all you could hear was the wimpers, and sniffles of loved ones, the blowing of noses, the typing of the lady at the desk, and the air conditioning. When the doctor walked out, my sister and I stood up I patted and wiped my hands on my jeans because they were sweaty from gripping the chair in the waiting room so hard.

Then it hit me when I saw his expression, his face sollum and sour. He opened his mouth his words scratchy and lifeless "I'm sorry for the words I'm about to say, I'm sorry for your loss." I collape, my whole world just took a crashing.


Plz comment, I'm curious to hear what you thought of this chapter and I'm curious if you have any ideas to help me.

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