Chapter One

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Lenny's House - Day - 1987

The living room is decorated with balloons and streamers. A small group of kids, all around 5 years old, are gathered around a table with a brightly decorated cake. Lenny, a chubby kid with a shy smile, sits at the head of the table. His few friends, including Bolton and Paul, are scattered around, engaging in various activities.

Candice, a friendly and energetic woman in her early 30s, is gently prodding Bolton, who looks nervous but eager.

"Go on, Bolton. Say hi to Paul."

Bolton, a clumsy but kind-hearted boy with tousled hair, takes a deep breath and walks over to Paul. Paul, a sweet-looking boy with big, curious eyes, smiles warmly.

Bolton awkwardly extends his hand, and Paul, with the innocence and boldness of a child, quickly leans over and kisses Bolton on the cheek.

Bolton's cheeks turn a deep shade of red as he stands frozen for a moment. The other kids giggle and whisper amongst themselves. Bolton, flustered but smiling, turns and runs towards his MOTHER, who is chatting with other parents nearby. He hugs her leg tightly, hiding his face.

PAUL watches him go, a small, satisfied smile on his face. Candice walks over to Paul, kneeling down to his level.

"That was very sweet of you, Paul."

Paul nods, a twinkle of mischief and kindness in his eyes.

Lenny, still seated at the table, looks around at his friends, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he sees the joy and laughter around him.

Candice's house - early morning - 1989

In the driveway, seven-year-old Bolton plays with Crickett, a lively cocker spaniel puppy.

Candice, dressed in a mechanic's jumpsuit, impatiently works on the carburetor of a Toyota Celica. Bolton pets the dog as he watches his mother.

"Okay, okay... what now?"

Bolton quickly assesses the situation and grabs the 5/16 wrench from the toolbox. "We're going to be late again," he mumbles, passing her the wrench.

"When did you ever care about getting to school on time?"

"We're putting up pictures for Parent's Night," Bolton says impatiently, watching Candice turn the bolt. "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey."

"Thanks. Don't worry, Bolton, you'll have plenty of time." The carburetor won't set properly, and she bangs on it with the wrench. "Darn it!"

"Um... can Dad come this time?"

"You know the answer to that."

"Can't he come out for one day?"

"We've been over this a hundred times. It's too dangerous for him."

"But Lenny said that his dad's coming... and Tommy and Paul's dads..."

Candice hands the wrench to Bolton. "Here, Bolt... finish this up for me." Bolton beams as he climbs onto the bumper and screws the carburetor back together. Meanwhile, Candice strips off her coveralls, revealing a spotless nurse's uniform underneath.

"All the dads are gonna be there."

"I get the point, kiddo, but I'm not so bad, am I?"


"Good. Because I've been waiting to see your art projects all week, and I'd feel terrible if all you thought about was your father not being there."

Bolton, disappointed, passes the wrench back to Candice. "Done. Try it." Candice gets behind the wheel, turns the ignition, and the engine roars to life. Bolton wears a proud smile.

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