Chapter Two

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Sunnyvale Institution - Day - 1989

Dr. Harlon redfield, 40 scrutinizes the disturbing drawing. "and you say he doesn't remember any of it?"

"not according to his teacher. It just got me thinking about Jason and what if Bolton's inherited his father's condition?"

"Hold it, hold it, Candice. Let's not jump to conclusions. I'll run some preliminary tests, see what we can rule out" Candice nods and forces a thankful smile "tell you what, bring Bolton here tonight and we'll run a CAT-scan series"


The looming building looks even more frightening at night. Candice and Bolton head up the stairs.

"I don't like this place, mom. It's creepy. Please can we go? I promise I won't make any more bad pictures!"

"you'll be fine. Dr. Redfield just wants to give some tests. You'll like him"

Candice leads Bolton into Dr. Redfield's office. Dr. Redfield warmly greets Bolton at the door. "Hello, Bolton. It's very nice to meet you... he's as handsome as his father"

"you know my father"

Before Dr. Redfield can answer, Candice cuts him off 

"that's why I wanted you to come here, Bolton. Dr. Redfield already has a background in memory loss"

"my father has a bad memory, too?"

Dr Redfield starts to speak "uh, tell you what, Bolton if it's okay with your mother, I'd like to run some rests. nothing scary" Bolton raises an eyebrow at the doctor "Okay, it might be a little scary..."


Bolton looks terrified as he lies on a medical platform as a series of CAT-scan images are taken. In another part of the room, a distressed Candice speaks quietly with Dr. Redfield.

"Just tell me that Boltons doesn't have Jason's illness..."

"Look Candice, I'm sure he'll test negative for brain disorders. But there's something else you can try to monitor his memory... a journal. Just have him write down everything he does"

"why what for?"

"It could be extremely useful to jog his memory. See if he remembers anything new the next day. And I'll have the test results back in a few days"


The next morning Bolton busily writes in his new black-marble mead comp book.

Today mommy is taking me to play with paul and tommy. I will mete there father and see what a real dad is like. maybe one day i will mete my dad

Candice, meanwhile, speaks into the phone as she pours lucky charms into a cereal bowl for Bolton.

"thanks, Dermot. I really appreciate you watching him, he won't be any trouble at all."

Bolton puts down the journal and eats breakfast. He separates the green clovers from the cereal and drops them to the floor for Crickett to nibble.

"these'll bring you luck, Crickett"

"great ill see you soon" Candice answers into the phone

Candice hangs up the phone and walks into the next room Candice grabs the pocket book off the coffee table and heads back into the kitchen. She drops her purse in shock when she sees Bolton in the doorway expressionless and holding a large butcher knife by his side.

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