After math

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Alexandra's POV

Once I heard that Marri was unconscious and in hospital I could've sworn my heart stopped. I immediately got a plane directly to Bahrain.

I've just landed an hour ago and I'm barely walking through the hospitals halls. Once I reached her room I saw Charles outside in a chair, his face his hands and low cries from him.

I ran to him and comforted him.

Charles POV

"Marrisa might not make it." I sobbed out. I was just informed that since she's so young, her body might not be able to take all the medication, pain, and healing process.

"W-what?" Alexandra's face dropped.

"Doctor said since she's so young her body might not take the medications, the pain, and the healing process." I finally stopped crying a bit and by this time I saw a tear escape Alex's eye.

She didn't say anything like if she was speechless.

"For fucks sake she's only 12!" I was so angry and sad. Angry because if I had just listened to her days before this, she would be here healthy.

Marri POV
(Her thoughts)

I felt dead but alive. I try to move but can't. I try to scream but I can't. I can't do anything. My body isn't letting me. I want to scream that I'm okay but it'll only be a lie.

Would I have to quit the sport that I love the most?

Would I ever wake up?

Would I finally be reunited with my family? Part of me wants to see them again but only God knows if I can.

I want to move but my body doesn't budge. It feels like I'm a room with nothing. No noise, no touch, no nothing.

I have nothing to lose besides myself.

So God please help....




A very short chapter sorry if you didn't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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