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Colby's POV

The day of Maya's funeral arrived with a heavy sky, clouds hanging low as if they shared our grief. The air was thick with the smell of rain, and the ground was wet and muddy, mirroring the somber mood of everyone gathered. I arrived early, needing a moment alone to gather my thoughts and prepare for the eulogy I had been dreading.

The small chapel quickly filled with people, but as I looked out at the sea of faces, I didn't see the same grief reflected in their eyes. Most of them didn't really know Maya; they were just here for the sake of it, to pay their respects to her memory in a distant, almost obligatory way. The realization stung. Maya deserved more—she deserved to be surrounded by those who truly understood and cherished her.

The service began with the pastor offering words of comfort about Maya's spirit and the impact she had on everyone who knew her. His words were kind and sincere, but each one felt like a knife twisting in my heart.

When he finished, it was my turn. My legs felt like lead as I walked to the front of the chapel. I had written and rewritten my eulogy countless times, but now, standing before everyone, the words seemed to escape me. I took a deep breath and began, my voice shaking.

"Maya was more than just my girlfriend; she was my best friend, my confidant, my everything," I started, my voice trembling. "She had a way of lighting up a room, of making everyone feel special. Her laughter was contagious, her spirit unbreakable."

I paused, swallowing hard as I fought to keep my composure. "She faced so many challenges, but she never let them define her. She was strong, even when she didn't feel like it. And she loved with all her heart. I'll carry her love with me always."

I looked out again, seeing the polite, somber expressions of people who didn't really understand the depth of the loss. It was frustrating, but I pressed on, speaking for those who did love her, who did know her.

"Maya had dreams, so many dreams," I continued, my voice breaking. "She wanted to travel the world, to make a difference, to live a life full of love and laughter. She was taken from us far too soon, and the world is a darker place without her."

Tears streamed down my face as I spoke, the weight of my sorrow almost too much to bear. "We need to remember Maya for who she was—the light in our lives, the friend who always knew how to make us smile, the girl who faced her demons with bravery. Let's honor her by living our lives with the same passion and kindness she showed us."

I stepped down, feeling both a sense of closure and an immense void. As the service ended, we made our way to the gravesite. The rain had stopped, leaving the air cool and fresh. We stood around the open grave, each holding a single white rose. One by one, we placed them on her casket, saying our final goodbyes.

As the casket was lowered into the ground, I felt a surge of emotion. It was truly the end, a chapter closing. But in that moment, surrounded by friends and family, I also felt a glimmer of hope. We were all there to support each other, to keep Maya's memory alive.

Back at the reception, we shared stories about Maya, laughing and crying as we remembered the person she was. It was bittersweet, but it was also healing. In the midst of our sorrow, we found comfort in each other, and in the knowledge that Maya's spirit would live on in our hearts.

Nate spoke about how Maya used to help him with his homework, even when she was swamped with her own. Alex shared a story about the time how she helped him pick an outfit for this date he had and giving him advice on hot to and not to act in front of a lady. Sam recalled the time Maya had organized a surprise birthday party for him, coordinating everything down to the last detail to make sure he felt special.

Each story painted a picture of a person who was thoughtful, caring, and incredibly loving. It was clear that Maya had touched so many lives, and her absence left a void that could never be filled.

As the day came to an end, I stood outside, looking up at the sky. The clouds had parted, and the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over everything. It felt like a sign, a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is light.

"Maya, I'll miss you forever," I whispered. "But I'll carry your love with me, always."

And with that, I knew I could begin to heal. It would be a long journey, but with the support of my friends and the memory of Maya guiding me, I knew I would find my way. The pain of losing her would never fully disappear, but neither would the love and memories she left behind.

Baby Don't Cut | Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now