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Maya's POV

Everything went back to normal after a few weeks. I could still notice some pity glances from my friends, but I decided to ignore them. There was no way I could tell them what happened.

One day, we were all settled at lunch when Sam, who had a mischievous grin on his face the whole time, suggested something that he already knew the answer to.

"Hey guys, how about we explore another abandoned building?" Sam said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

I immediately shook my head, declining. "No way, Sam. Last time was a disaster."

"Oh, come on, Maya," Sam said, leaning forward. "Not all abandoned places are bad. Colby and I found this abandoned warehouse a while back, and we love it. It's kind of like our spot."

"Your spot?" I raised an eyebrow. "How many abandoned places do you guys have?"

Colby laughed. "It's just the one, promise. And it's not scary at all. It's actually pretty cool."

"Yeah, right," I muttered, crossing my arms. "Cool for you, maybe. I'm not getting caught up in another one of your adventures."

"Aw, come on, Maya," Sam pleaded, putting on his best puppy dog eyes. "You know you want to. It'll be fun. And it's during the day this time! No spooky vibes."

"Yeah, Maya," Colby added, flashing me that irresistible smile. "We'd love to have you join us. It'll be different this time, I promise."

I sighed, looking around the table. Nate and Alex were already nodding enthusiastically.

"Please, Maya?" Nate said, giving me a hopeful look. "It won't be the same without you."

"Yeah, you're the glue that holds this group together," Alex added, grinning.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are so dramatic."

"We try," Sam said, winking.

After a lot of convincing by Sam and Colby, I finally gave in. "Fine, I'll go. But if anything creepy happens, I'm out."

"Deal," Sam said, clapping his hands together. "You're going to love it. I promise."

"And if you don't," Colby said, smirking, "we'll owe you big time. Like, dinner at your favorite restaurant big time."

"Okay, now I'm definitely in," I said, laughing. "Just remember, you promised no spooky vibes."

"We promise," Sam said, crossing his heart. "Scout's honor."

"Sam, you were never a Scout," Alex pointed out.

"Details," Sam said, waving his hand dismissively. "The point is, we're going to have a blast."

"Alright, alright," I said, shaking my head. "Let's do this."

As we made plans for our little adventure, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Despite my reservations, I trusted my friends. And if they said it was safe, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Plus, spending the day with them, especially Colby, sounded pretty fun.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink, we made our way to the warehouse. Colby had suggested the idea, promising a spectacular view from inside. After gathering our essentials, we convened at his house before embarking on the short journey.

"Everyone got everything they need?" Colby asked, glancing around the group as we piled into his car.

"Yeah, I think so," Nate replied, adjusting his backpack.

We drove through the fading light, excitement buzzing in the air. Arriving at the warehouse, the fading sunlight cast long shadows across the worn concrete.

"Wow," Alex breathed, looking up at the imposing structure.

"It's something, right?" Colby grinned, leading the way as we approached the entrance.

As we made our way towards the warehouse, Sam's usual energy seemed to radiate from him, his excitement infectious as ever. Despite any lingering apprehension I felt, I couldn't help but be swept up in his enthusiasm.

"Can you believe we're doing this again?" Sam exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement as he glanced back at us.

Nate and Alex nodded eagerly, their anticipation matching Sam's. "Yeah, this is gonna be awesome!" Nate chimed in, his grin widening as we approached the entrance.

Colby chuckled beside me, his steady presence offering a sense of reassurance amidst the excitement. "Just like old times, huh?" he remarked, flashing me a reassuring smile.

I nodded, grateful for his support as we stepped inside the warehouse. The familiar surroundings brought back memories of our previous adventures, both exhilarating and unnerving.

As we ventured further into the building, Sam's enthusiasm seemed to grow, his excitement palpable as he led the way. "Check this out!" he exclaimed, pointing out various features of the warehouse with eager gestures.

Nate and Alex followed closely behind, their curiosity piqued by Sam's discoveries. Despite my lingering unease, I couldn't help but be drawn in by their excitement, the thrill of exploration outweighing any apprehension I felt.

With each step we took, Sam's energy seemed to infuse the atmosphere, filling the abandoned warehouse with a sense of adventure and possibility. Despite the shadows that lingered in the corners, his infectious enthusiasm lit up the space, turning it into a playground of exploration and discovery.

And as we climbed to the roof, Sam's excitement reached its peak, his laughter ringing out against the backdrop of the city skyline.

As we reached the roof, Sam's voice cut through the air, filled with excitement. "Guys, this view is incredible! We're on top of the world!"

Alex couldn't resist chiming in with his own brand of humor. "I feel like Spider-Man up here!"

Nate, always the voice of reason, added his two cents with a playful warning. "Yeah, just don't try any superhero stunts, Alex. We're not equipped for rescue missions!"

Colby joined in, his tone light-hearted as he teased Alex. "Hey, let's not give Alex any ideas. We don't need him swinging from the rafters."

Amidst the banter, I found myself smiling, the tension of the climb giving way to a sense of camaraderie. "You know, this isn't so bad after all," I admitted, a hint of surprise in my voice.

Colby's eyes met mine, a mischievous glint dancing in them as he leaned closer. "I was looking forward to going to dinner with you though," he said, his voice laced with a hint of flirtation.

His words sent a rush of warmth through me, and I felt my cheeks flush with color. Fortunately, the fading light of the setting sun hid my embarrassment, masking it with the red hues of the evening sky.

With Colby's playful remark lingering in the air, I couldn't help but smile, grateful for the unexpected spark of excitement amidst our rooftop adventure.

We all laughed, the tension of the climb melting away in the warmth of shared laughter. Despite the eerie setting, the warehouse felt alive with the energy of our camaraderie, turning what could have been a nerve-wracking adventure into a memorable escapade filled with laughter and friendship.

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