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"▪Greetings! To all my lovely Readers▪"


I spent all of the love, i saved.
We were always a losing game.
Small town boy, in a big arcade.
I got addicted to a losing game.


World breaks apart..
Along with a broken heart..
Dying inside, but never shows..
Suffering through a pain, No one knows.

Darkness feels peaceful, light seems strange.
That phase of our life, everyone had faced!
We can never convey it through words, it is beyond our imaginations. Pain feels peaceful, once we stops showing our aggression.

We never understand, the coldness inside of us, until someone starts to melt our ice.
But, what if there's no one around?

Sometimes, we are surrounded by hundred of people around us, still we feel alone.

What kind of feeling is this?

If our life is filled with happiness, no matter how beautiful it is, some scars will still be printed on our heart.

There's something very broken in this generation, Million of faces forces a fake smile, while having a broken soul. Keeps their eyes dry, while having a ocean in their hearts.

Unspoken words, which are never heard.
Silent shouts, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, still, "i'm fine," and we all believed.

Do this generation, deserves all this?

The only question, surrounds my mind all the time is, "why?"...

Some students, made for freedom, but forced to get locked inside a room.
With a notebook and pair of books in their hands. With extreme expectations by the people they love yet hate the most. Those students, who are forced to work for some one, who never believes them.
Yup, it's their parents.

Strict households, sounds cool, right?
All day in a room, alone with themself, hard working, parents pets?
That's what the world, calls those students.

But, that's not the reality.
Alone!, No friends, no freedom, no privacy, unecessary expectations, can never make any decision for their own life, All the time it feels like being into a jail, without committing any crime.
They get unnecessary scolds, Comparisons by their own family, taunts by their relatives, betrayals by the world!

Still it all seems, easy right?

There's many undefined feelings, many struggles and pains- behind a beautiful smile and shiny eyes.

Those eyes shines, cause they never cried infront of you, that smile seems beautiful cause, it was forced to appear, by that broken soul.

We think, silent people are just shy to talk, or have attitude. Most of the people of this world, considers silent ones, as mannerless? Ignorant? Avoiding? Introvert? Heartless? Devil? Psycho? Egoistic? And then they hates them.

Where the reality hits differently..
They were never silent before, they used to laugh loudly, used to have fun, used to trust anyone easily, but the time, and this world muted their voice.
Now noises feels like a burden to them.
They left speaking, laughing and joking around.

Is that what we call, Life?

Have a look on these poetries, and quotes which can be relatable with most of our lifes.

With these kind of thoughts, here's another book, a sad one, but relatable too.

If you are suffering through a lot, give it a chance, and relate things with your life, sometimes, reading relatable things can give us peace, and it feels better!

So here we go again~
A sad book, with emotional songs.

Here to make you feel, related <3

I have a insta account, if you like my works, you can join me there too.

(And i know, some of you might feel like crying after reading this, Do not cry, i'll add some motivational quotes for you too, also i do not intend to make you sad, I wished to make you feel better, just for you to know, you are not alone, we all are with you <3..)

Do not forget to vote!!

"•Emotions Beyond Words•"

-By Anonymous.


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