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It was 8:45 am the next day when Mia Grant heard a familiar car horn out in her front driveway, "She said she would be here at 9." the girl sighed, knowing Renee was behind the horn. 

"Sweetheart we gotta get going," Renee laughed from the car's front seat. "It's Coachella day." Mia heard the rest of her friends laughing as she scrambled to get her bags out of the doorway. 

"You said 9, Miss Rapp," Mia hissed, climbing into the backseat with Conan. "What are you doing here so early?" 

"I knew you'd be ready early, so I told Conan and Katie to be ready too. The first set starts at 11:00, and we're ending the night with Chappell around 9 tonight." Renee looked at Mia in rearview to see her reaction, which was a red face. 

"I don't know any of Kayleigh's new songs, I tried to stay away from her as much as possible when we broke up," Mia explained. "So don't be mad if I don't sing along." 

"Here," Conan picked up the aux cord in Renee's car, putting on the Chappell Roan station. "Her songs are catchy, you'll learn quickly." 

While the group sang along to the songs on the playlist, Mia found herself reminiscing about Kayleigh once again, this time months before their relationship ended. 

"So, how do you feel about the name Red Wine Supernova for this one?" Kayleigh smiled at her girlfriend as the two of them dissected her new soon-to-be single. 

Mia nodded her head, popping a grape into her mouth. "Love it," she mumbled. "It's very Chappell Roan aesthetic." 

Kayleigh laid back next to the fellow redhead, taking a deep breath in. "I'm happy that you know me as Kayleigh Amstutz, and not just Chappell Roan." 

"What do you mean, babe?" Mia looked over at her, wondering what was going through her mind. 

"Like, everyone just knows me as some girl who is on the rise to stardom. They know I write these raunchy lyrics, and I'm free spirited," Kayleigh looked over at Mia. "But you still know me as the girl who turned you down at your high school dance." They both laughed. 

"I like when you write songs about me, especially songs like Love Me Anyway, which happens to be my favorite." Mia cuddled into the girls arms.

Kayleigh hummed the lyrics of her own song, watching as Mia slowly drifted to sleep. 

The day went by fast and before Mia knew it, she was in front of the stage that her ex was about to perform on. She studied the stage lights and decor. "This is very Chappell Roan." She thought to herself. 

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Mason asked, putting a hand on the girl's waist. 

"I'm sure," Mia swatted his hand away. "It's just Kayleigh." She thought about that sentence as the stage lights flickered on and off, signaling that it was time for the pop singer to make her entrance onto the stage. 

The band came out on stage, Mia recognized most of them from Kayleigh's past shows. Once the music started, her stomach began to turn. What if Kayleigh was still upset about what happened? What if she really didn't want to see her? What if she didn't even look her way?

It was dark outside so the lights flickered colorful lights onto the stage, finally revealing the silhouette of Kayleigh, "Don't call me baby, don't call me Kayleigh, and don't call me again" she spoke loudly into the microphone, waiting for the stage lights to turn fully onto her. 

For the first few songs, Mia sang and danced along lightly, waiting for Kayleigh to see her in the crowd and recognize her. And it finally did happen, but it wasn't the movie moment she was hoping for. Instead, during My Kink Is Karma, Kayleigh looked down and seen Conan, Renee, and Katie first, giving them all a wave. Then, she and Mia locked eyes. Kayleigh didn't wave, she didn't even move for a second. She stared blankly at her ex-girlfriend in the crowd. 

"For my next song," the singer breathed into the microphone. "I'd like to dedicate it to my ex; I know you're watching." Mia's mouth dropped, followed by her stomach. The crowd, besides the group Mia was with, went absolutely insane when the music to a new song began to play from the speakers. 

Kayleigh walked over to the side of the stage where the group stood, "Good Luck, Babe." She smiled at Mia before beginning to sing the song. 

The words perfectly described what happened between the two girls, so she knew it was about her, but it still stung. How could Kayleigh do this? Mia thought that to herself all the way home as she scrolled through twitter, seeing everyone rave about the new song. 

"Are you sure it was about you?" Conan asked as the group entered their uber. 

Mia nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure. It was exactly what happened between us, besides the marriage part." Renee laughed. 

"Sorry, I just think it's funny that you have a hit song about you before me." She stifled her laughter. 

"You should text her," Katie exclaimed. "Anyone who was in that front row seen that she was looking at you. It was totally unfair of her." Everyone hummed in unison to agree.

"Really?" Mia asked. She hadn't thought about what everyone else had seen, or if they had seen it. She pulled out her phone and typed in the name of her ex girlfriend, "Chappell Roan," she said out loud. "What even kind of name is that?" she scoffed as she thought about the girls real name. "How do you get Chappell Roan from Kayleigh Rose Amstutz?" 

Renee shook her head before she opened the door leading to the hotel, "Creativity." 

Mia stared at her phone for most of the night, wondering what to say to her ex before finally mustering up the courage to type out the first couple words, which would change the trajectory of her life as she knew it. 

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