First Day

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August 1st
Atlanta, Georgia
Miley's Pov
"Get your asses up! Time for school!" Miley's mom shouted. Miley groaned then sat up. She checked her phone and saw how late it is. "Oh shit!" Miley jumped up and ran to the shower before her other siblings got up. Miley has 4 step-siblings and of course Miley is the middle child.
20 minutes later...
Miley got out the shower after doing her morning routine in the shower (brushed her teeth and washed her face). She got dressed to be honest she didn't care what she wore it's the last year and it's a new school. She went for a comfortable look.



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whyluvm1l3y lil calm fit 4 my last first day

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whyluvm1l3y lil calm fit 4 my last first day....👣
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"Miley hurry up and come eat!" Her mom's fiancé shouted. Her mom and her fiancé, David, has been together for 2 years now. Miley doesn't like him not one bit ever since he moved them to Atlanta away from all of her friends back in Chicago during the summer. She didn't say anything because she liked seeing her mom happy. But if Miley was being completely crystal clear she hated it, he moved his kids into the house with them it's a 6 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms. Of course he gave his kids master bedrooms, and his only excuse was "the house is still under construction." Miley was just ready to be out of there. Miley ran downstairs to the pantry to grab her some lunch and snacks when she heard a voice. "Of course you're in the pantry getting snacks, Big Back." Josh is David's oldest son and the most annoying one. He's an OD dick rider. "What the fuck do you want pussy?" She remarked with an irritated expression. "Today's the first day of senior year, i don't want to see you no where near me and Danielle." He said like he's better than her. Danielle his girlfriend ugh, how did this motherfucker find a girlfriend before me. "Trust me, I don't want to be seen with you either dickhead... leave me alone.". Miley ended the conversation by walking away after her last words. Miley then grabbed her waffles to go, then got in the front seat of her mom's car. "Last first day, I don't think im ready to see you go Mimi." Miley dabbed her eyes, Mimi is the nickname her mom has called her ever since she was in the womb. "It's okay mom im not going anywhere yet, remember I still want make sure im making the best move possible." Miley says trying to cheer her mom up. "I know. I know. But do you really think you want to move back to Chicago, by yourself?"  Her mom asked. "Mom can we not talk about this right now, im already nervous about starting senior year at a different school.". Miley said as her anxiety kicked up 5 notches. Anyways the whole car ride to school was loud because her mom and Josh were singing songs on the radio like everything is fine. Josh is fine because he has friends here, she doesn't t. We arrived to the school, and she already thinks there's too many people. They get out the car and head to the main office. Miley turned around and saw a girl get off her bike and walk it inside the building, and of course Josh opened the door for her. Miley was so blinded by Josh when she looked at her, first thing she thought was "damn shorty, you bad and you gots a fat ass." . The girl rolled her eyes at Josh. She wasn't pleased by him opening the door.
Anyways we made it to the office my mom had to grab a few papers for Josh because he wanted to join the football team. "Go ahead honey, you don't have to wait for him. Go to the cafeteria for the assembly" the office lady said. " okay bye mom love you. To left right?" Miley said as she hugged her mom and turned to talk to the office lady. "Yes dear!" The lady said.

Miley looks at the pamphlet then looks at the clock. "Oh shit!" Miley shouted and started running to get to the cafeteria. She busted the doors opened and scanned carefully for a seat. All the eyes on her started to give her more anxiety she then found a seat next to the girl from earlier with the bike, she turned her face away. Maybe she didn't like me because of Josh? She made her way down the row. "Im sorry excuse me." Miley said in hurry. She moved her legs and let Miley sit. Miley could feel the girl staring at her and she didn't like that. Not only was she late, she had  an abrupt entrance and made a bad impression.  "Can you stop looking at me I don't like it when people stare it's already enough with everyone talking about me." Miley didn't mean to sound mean, but the face the girl made at her when she came in wasn't so welcoming either, so what the hell... The girl looked saddened by how her tone was.

The principal wrapped up the assembly and sent everyone to 1st period. Looking at her schedule she wasn't paying attention, she bumped into the only extra EXTRA bitch that'll make a scene Danielle. "Oh my gosh... you just bumped into me." Danielle said very loudly. "My fault I wasn't paying attention." Miley said discreetly thinking Danielle would tone it down for once, she was wrong. "Yes, your fault. Watch where you're going lesbo!" Danielle said evilly and snickered with her friends thinking she would get a ride out of her, she did the exact opposite. "Before you call anyone lesbo let's talk about how your boyfriend spent 1 hour to make sure his abs look good for the football team. Like I said my fault for bumping into you, I'll be on my way now. You thought you were someone important your really not. Face it we're all just background characters in peoples lives. Now move yo ass from in the middle of the hall because you must wanna be bumped into, for attention little ho!" Miley said now frustrated that everyone in the hallway was staring at them, then everyone started clapping and cheering. "ALRIGHT NEW GIRL YOU STOOD UP DANIELLES BITCHY ASS" some random shouted. Miley faked like she was taking a bow then walked away to find her class.
Miley found her class and signs her name on the sheet on the teachers desk then looks around. She finds a seat in the back she's about to go to but then "Miley Rose Harper you sit in the third row all the way to the right behind Miss Layla Howard.. the young lady with the braids.". He said but then Miley looked at him "Sir it's just Miley, you don't have to say my middle name or my last name." Miley said then turned around. She looked and met her eyes. She thought "omg you have got to be kidding me..". Miley made her way and sat down behind her and pulled out a note book and pen like everyone else. She sat there and thought "interesting last first day at a new school.".

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