Welcome Home.

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Firstly, I want to apologize to my readers for the long wait. I was on a holiday and also busy with life. But I hope you like the next chapter that I managed to finish, especially for you all. And thank you so much for bearing with me. Much appreciated!

Love rozepaul8 xx

Armaan noticed the two friends hugging eachother like there was no tommorow. All he could think was that she had come to see him. The only thing left was to contain his emotions.

Rahul came forth with Shreya who couldn't help but feel envy of their reunion.

'Is he your brother, Aisha.' Chris didn't look pleased. Aisha noticed the shift in his movement. Like he was detached from her all an sudden.

'I'm not her brother, I'm her husband.'

Aisha was shocked to hear such a statement, glaring at his audacity.

'What.' She looked over at Armaan, who was equally shocked. His eyes met Aisha, wondering what the hell was going on. Rahul was oblivious to the tension brewing between them, easing the air with his calm attitude.

'Husband? Aisha, you never told us you got married.'

Shreya wasn't feeling any better either.

'Oh wait. Is he the friend you were supposed to marry if you didn't fufill your dream.'

Chris intervened. 'Exactly. That's me. And Aisha Ma is expecting you inside.'
Aisha stood idle. What was going on? What happened to Chris? She silently followed, while Armaan marched right past. Rahul was amused to see Armaan in such a state. He wanted to know more. Shreya and Radhika followed in pursuit.

Nothing had changed. Aisha's home was still beautiful as ever. The rose flower pots, the light green pastel table where everyone dined. She recalled her little library stacked with every single issue of Filmfare. She couldn't help but feel elated by her precious homely memories.

Her mother Tina emerged from the kitchen, radiant as ever.

"Aisha, my child."

She hugged her tightly, as Chris stood there by her side. Everybody else was observing Aisha's little cottage.

"Ma." Aisha hugged her even more, almost crying completely. She wiped her tears off immediately. "Aisha, I can't believe you agreed so soon."
"Soon. For what?" Aisha was puzzled.
"When you left, we said if you ever came back without fufilling your dream, you will have to marry a boy of our choice." "Yeah, and?" Tina looked at Chris. "And your back and Chris is our choice."

Aisha stood stunned. Wait a minute? It all clicked in her head. She didn't choose to come here on her own terms. She was here as according to someone else's will. Chris knew her very well. If he ever left her without any reason, he knew she will come to find him. Chris had no reason to leave but to only to make it up. Chris had brought her here on purpose. Because she knew when she came back, she would be wed off to her best friend. Chris lied.

"I can't believe you deceived me." Chris looked at her weirdly.
"Deceived you? About what? Isn't this what you wanted?" Aisha couldn't take it anymore. "Stop playing games with me. You left on purpose, knowing I would come back to marry you. This was all a set-up! How could you?" "Woah. Woah. Before you start to accuse me, why don't you look at yourself. Haven't you deceived us all by choosing to live with Armaan Kapoor. You didn't even tell me about it once. You said you were supposed to fufill your dream, but look at what your doing. Your weaving dreams of marrying that Kapoor, because all a sudden you've become thirsty for his status.."

Aisha slapped Chris. How dare he? Everyone else had arrived to witness the drama. Tina looked at Aisha with serious concern. She slapped Aisha in return.

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