Chapter Five

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Novice Level One Continued Part Five

This is the fifth chapter of this very Grimoire and as always we have some brand new questions to analyse over the course of this chapter there should be six brand new questions that the readers of this Grimoire would ask me had they been my personal Sorcerers Apprentices. What is the first question of this chapter and the tenth question of this book, that they would ask of me? It is this: "What the rules for doing Sorcery?" This a question that has a much more complicated answer which is this: The rules for doing Sorcery are not actually a set of rules perse but more a series of guiding principles which is referred to as the Elymas Magus Codex 1; The Sorcerers Law:
1. Remaining in the natural Laws of Nature and Sorcery we must & Always in Perfect Trust!,
2. Live and let live by all means that are necessary and lawful!,
3. Fairly take, fairly give and fairly receive!,
4. Cast the circle eight times around yourselves to keep the negative spirits out!,
5. To bind the spell every time let the spell be said in that of rhyming words but not for every spoken spell!,
6. You should ALWAYS go by the rotation cycle of the Sun, shouting out to others the words of the Sorcerers Tune!,
7. Only water should go into the cauldron, brew your potion slow and mix it well or else it might swell and blow you up!,
8. Heed the flower, bush and tree, by the Lady and Lord who are two different people, Blessed Be!,
9. Necessity is not a greed and you should always get what you need!,
10. At every opportunity you get attempt to educate the uneducated!,
11. Merry meet, Merry part and Merry meet again!,
12. Beware of the Eight Returns System: Eight times good and Eight times bad!,
13. Thirty five words and you shall complete The Sorcerers Law: Allow Majik to heal and never ever to harm and you do as your will must as long as it aligns with the Will of the Great Spirit and Gaia the Spirit of the Earth!. So there you have it the guiding principles for doing all aspects of Sorcery and therefore Elymas Magus as well as Majik.
The second question of this chapter and the eleventh question of this book is again one that you my Sorcerers Apprentices would ask to me if I were teaching you all in person and it is this: "Is Majik and or Sorcery unnatural?" This is actually not only an amazing question to ask and to have the privilege to give the answer to also the answer itself is extremely simply but let me just point out that there are unfortunately some people out there in this world of ours who believe two things; 1. All Majik including Sorcery is unnatural & 2. Only certain types of Majik including Sorcery are unnatural, however the answer about Majik and Sorcery being unnatural is this: No Majik nor Sorcery is not unnatural infact all Majik and therefore Sorcery is very natural. So yes you have yet again just like the previous question a much more detailed answer however it is the answer that you require to answer your question correctly now I am hoping that the third question of this chapter and the twelfth question of this book are not going to need as much of a detailed answer and with that it is indeed time to look at the third question of this chapter and this book that I know that you my students of Sorcery would indeed ask me if you were able to ask it of me in person and it is this: "What is considered dangerous and or forbidden Majik?" Well firstly there is an extensive list of Majik that is classed as Forbidden Majik so what I am going to do is tell what is classed as Forbidden Majik in Elymas Magus with the reasons as to why it is forbidden.
The first peice of Forbidden Majik in Elymas Magus is: Necromancy; The reason that this is classed as Forbidden Majik by the ways of Elymas Magus is because it involves only ever working with Dark/ Negative or Evil Spirts such as Demons, Vampires & all manner of nasty things and doing dreadful and extremely disrespectful Majik such as digging up a persons grave and using their bones in a spell, potion, ceremony or ritual,
The second peice of Forbidden Majik in Elymas Magus is: Only ever using Black/ Dark/ Negative/ Evil Majik all of the time; The reason as to why this is classed as Forbidden Majik by the ways of Elymas Magus is because it involves doing only harm to other living beings, The third peice of Forbidden Majik is: Only ever using White/ Positive/ Light/ Good Majik all of the time; The reason as to why this is classed as Forbidden Majik by the ways of Elymas Magus is because white majik is because it is always on about constantly doing things like always healing or helping someone and not giving the person of whom the Majik is to be performed on or for so that they feel good about themselves etc, The fourth peice of Forbidden Majik is: Not ever using Grey Majik; The reason that this is classed as Forbidden Majik by the ways of Elymas Magus is because you will make the mistake of using only white or only using black majik and as one of my students I cannot allow that to happen or allow you to continue to study Majik or Sorcery under my guidance! Those are the four peices of Forbidden Majik by the ways of Elymas Magus and therefore Sorcery and no Sorcerer should be practicing using only white or using only black majik in his/ their practices of using Majik all of the Majik that you as a Sorcerer should only ever be using is Grey Majik nothing else! Sorry to put that answer into a lecture but when I have had students in person in the past they thought that it was okay to be only ever using white majik or be only ever using black majik and these former students also thought that I would not ever find out however I did and they were the one's who found such a mistake costly as I took all their powers as Sorcerers and their ability to ever do Majik of any kind again unless of course it was stage magic. So that is why I have put this warning to each of you reading this book as a deterrent and hope that you will take heed of it and remember it. Now I believe that it is time to move on and look at answering the third question that if all of you who are reading this book were learning Sorcery and therefore the ways of Elymas Magus from me in person that you would all like to ask me which is this: "Is Majik dangerous?" Now that is one of the most interesting questions that I have been asked before and it too is a really good question to be asking me and to be honest before I answer many things in life can be dangerous for us to do and yet we still do these things so I will give this answer; Grey Majik is the most safest form of Majik, Sorcery and therefore Elymas Magus to practice than any other form so in some aspects some majik can be dangerous yes and in other aspects no majik is not always dangerous. Yes I know that it is another more complicated answer than you were expecting however as always it is indeed the correct answer for the question that you asked. Now we have to look at the fourth question of this book and the thirteenth question of this book and it is one of the ones that I know that those of you reading this book would ask me if I was teaching you in person. So here it is: "Why does Majik, Sorcery and Elymas Magus have so many restrictions?" The answer is simple this time around and it is this: Majik, Sorcery and Elymas Magus has so many restrictions in order to keep not only the Apprentice Sorcerer safe but also his/ their senior the far more experienced Sorcerer. Now we must move onto the fifth question of this chapter and the fourteenth question of this book which I yet again know that if you learning all of this knowledge from me in person this is most definitely a Novice Level 1 Sorcerer in training would ask of me and it is this: "Does Majik and Sorcery have a Spiritual side and if it does what is it called?" A really great question and not only that but this question has a great answer that is simple too it is this: Yes Majik and Sorcery does indeed have a Spiritual side and it is called Elymas Magus. There is your answer now soon we will look at our final question. The sixth and final question of this chapter but the fifteenth question of this book is again a question that is brilliant to be asking me if you could ask it to me in person which is this: "As a Sorcerer Novice Level 1 or above when will I be practicing the ways of Elymas Magus?" Well believe it or not even you do not realise it yet you have the answer to this question staring you right in your face here in this very book but here is the answer: You are practicing the ways of Elymas Magus right now and yes although it is the spiritual side to Majik and Sorcery by learning every aspect of Grey Majik and therefore Sorcery you are still practicing the ways of Elymas Magus. Right now that I have answered that particular question I fear that I must now end this chapter, give myself a rest and then prepare myself for writing the next chapter and with it many more questions and the necessary answers to go with those questions so remember you are doing extremely well if you have gotten to the end of this chapter and this far in this book.

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