Chapter 5. Unmasked

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There was nothing as terrifying as being preyed on by a ginormous monster. To be swallowed by one was on a whole new level. The snapping of jaws was a signal that no sliver of freedom would be left and the darkness that came with the absence of light was no consolation. The huge creature had tossed them into its black mouth before they fell on its thick and slimy tongue.

Clara had lost her grip on her rescuer and landed on her hands and knees on top of the creature's tongue. Water rushed past them before cascading to the back of the monster's throat. Bile flooded her throat as a wave of nausea lapped at the back of her mouth. A pungent smell assaulted her nose and though she could breathe again, it did nothing to tame her queasiness.

She gagged and coughed, her fingers clawing at the slimy tongue. Nothing came out of her lips. Her stomach was empty and it was only then that she realized she had not eaten anything for several hours. She couldn't even remember her last meal. Heaving, she pushed herself up. Strong hands curled around her waist, helping her stand. She assumed it was the rescuer's doing. It was a wonder they were still alive. The monster had not chewed them or gulped them down. They were still on its tongue and it was utterly dark as if they had been trapped inside a cave.

"When you said you'd help me, this was not how I imagined my escape would be," she said.

One of the shadowy figures snorted and then she heard footsteps squelching against the slime on the tongue as the being walked to them.

"You're insane, man. I told you this was a bad idea," the figure spoke.

"You wanted the quickest and cheapest means of transportation and I offered you that, Rai. We'll reach the port in fifteen minutes so enjoy the ride." Her rescuer moved away from her. "Besides, old Jaz won't eat us. Once we reach the shores, he will let us go. Is that not right, Jaz?" 

A deep whistling sound came from the back of the creature's throat, bouncing off the walls of its mouth as the beast responded in agreement. Pressing her hands on her ears to drown out the noise, Clara hissed. What had she gotten herself into? Getting killed by a pirate would have been a better end to her life than drowning in a well of madness. She did not understand what the men were talking about and the fact that she could not see them made it worse. Hadn't the monster swallowed them so that it could eat them? Why then was it responding to her rescuer as if he was its friend? Another realization smacked her in the head as she remembered the conversation between the shadowy beings.

"Your voices...they don't sound strange anymore!" she said.

The man called Rai chuckled while her savior remained silent.

"The magic must be wearing off," said the third one amongst them who had been quiet the entire time.

"Magic? What are you talking about?" asked Clara.

An uncomfortable silence settled in the cave-like mouth. She could visualize the men staring at her as her question remained unanswered. She wanted answers to all her questions, answers that would clear away all the doubt she had regarding her sanity. This could not be heaven.

Paradise was a place of sacred bliss, happiness and tranquility. Here, in the madness of this bizarre world, she had felt wonder, confusion and pain. She was left with two conclusions. Either she had been shipwrecked to a strange land with pirates sailing underwater and shadowy men talking of magic or she was still dreaming in the comfort of her chamber inside the Esperanza ship. The latter sounded ludicrous. She had felt death claiming her when she was drowning.

"I will show you," the man said.

"Try not to scare the lovely lady, Eryx," muttered Rai.

She turned her gaze to where Eryx's voice came from. There, in the midst of the others, she saw a tiny speck of light igniting. It evolved to a pale blue orb which was the size of a yarn ball. The orb cast light upon them, illuminating the man's open palm. Wisps of darkness retreated to the shadows as the magician let the ball of light float high above them. She stared at it, marveling its ghostly beauty.

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