Chapter 19

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Annaliese hadn't stopped grinning since she had shut the door in Jacob's face. She hummed pleasantly while she fixed the smudge on Eva's cheek. Personally, Eva didn't think a smudge would make or break the dinner, but if it made everyone else feel better about it, she would let them fuss over it.

"Jacob looks good in a suit, doesn't he?" Eva commented casually.

Annaliese, like Grayson, wore her formal gear as part of their protection detail. She could have been mistaken for the Commander herself, she wore the green cape so well; her hair was tied in a slick braid that trailed halfway down her back.

Annaliese flushed. "Erm, yes, he does."

I'm glad I'm not the only one who approves of Jacob in a suit. Gods, their mother would have completely lost it to see him all dapper and handsome.

As if he knew they were talking about him, Jacob poked his head through the door. "Time's up. Are you ready, Eva?"

Swallowing a lump in her throat, she stepped out into the hallway. A servant bowed respectfully to them then led the way to the dining room. Every step she took felt weighed down, like she was walking through a bog. The butterflies in her stomach began to feel like angry wasps.

"Focus on your breathing," Arkon coached.

She did as he suggested, keeping Jacob's words in the forefront of her mind. She was forever grateful that he had shown her the portrait of their grandfather in the Hall of the Fallen. It made her wish she had known him better, but he had died when she was little and her memories of him were faint. She mostly remembered a giant of a man holding her in his lap while he told stories of adventure, but the details were fuzzy.

The servant showed them to a large room hosting a grand mahogany table. It was decorated with far more utensils she'd thought existed and gorgeous colourful bouquets. The wall opposite the tall arched windows held a mural of a field with wildflowers in full bloom and an elegant castle standing proud in the backdrop. It took her a moment to realise this was in Lexxis. The field looked so different from above.


Eva jumped and faced Jacob, who held a chair out for her in a very gentlemanly manner. They were the first to arrive, so thankfully she only looked like a fool in front of her brother. Annaliese and Grayson were stationed outside the door, dutifully keeping watch--as silly as the idea seemed to her. They were more prominent members of the Dragon Knight community than she was, they should be allowed to join them.

Eva stared at the place settings, quickly going over everything Grayson had taught her. She had thought he was overpreparing her, but it appeared that he had been down playing just how many things she needed to keep up with, likely so she wouldn't panic before the event.

The doors suddenly swung open. A servant announced the royal family. Jacob hauled Eva to her feet and bowed, slipping her a look to do the same.

King Renkon came in first, shoulders broad as his green cape billowed behind him. An aura of power and resilience surrounded him; when he looked at Eva, his blue eyes took her in slowly. His gaze left her feeling like a disappointment.

Let him underestimate you, she reminded herself, remembering Grayson's advice. He'll regret it later.

Queen Althea, on the other hand, offered her a friendly smile. She was as elegant as she was beautiful with dark curls cascading down her front. Her dress was exquisite, a deep royal blue with gold beading on the trim. She was the epitome of class and refinement, yet with a softer, more compassionate warmth in her eyes.

Beside her, Prince Leonidas strutted in, chin up, shoulders back, with a silky smooth demeanour expected from someone who spent hours practising his gait. However, when his eyes landed on Eva, his flawless gait faltered, and he stumbled to a stop. A devilish grin tugged at the ends of his lips.

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