A New Friend

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After a boring couple of days, Valaero was discharged from the hospital, where he aimlessly walked the streets, trying to figure out where abouts he should sleep for the night.

It was getting incredibly late, he didn't know where he was headed to, practically going wherever the wind took him.

There was a beautiful wooded area, he knew it wouldn't be the comfiest, but he was willing to make it work.

Soon enough, he found a few long branches, and he was able to make a small wooden mattress, very unpleasant, but something.

He lay down on this wooden mattress, and began to look up at the stars above him. So vibrant. They were glowing a beautiful creme colour, the same colour as the wallpaper in his house.

He felt a tear trickle from his cheek.

"gee... I sure miss my ma..."

He felt an wave of guilt fade over him. Homesickness began to hit him hard. How could he be so stupid? Choosing a stupid planet over his own mother. It was disgusting his behaviour.

He couldn't help but feel ashamed, like he let down his own kind, his own mum. If only he stepped back, if only he let the ship take someone else... But... Doesn't that make him think hero? The ship could've taken an innocent child, or even a poor old lady. Maybe he did do the right thing.

He tried to shut his eyes, but he couldn't stop all of these thoughts washing over him.

Looking at the stars he kept repeating the same phrase.

"el amor esta en todas partes..."

"el amor esta en todas partes..."

"el amor..."




Valaero awoke to the sun beaming in his eyes, he clothes became all ragged, he found numerous holes in his shirt and his back was aching like mad from sleeping on Satan's mattress...

He stood up, cracking his back as he did so. He took a look up at the sky, and rubbed his eyes.


Still not used to seeing a blue sky.

Atleast it was good weather, he thought.

He took a stroll from outside his hidden wooded area, he had no idea what time it was, but by seeing the passers by eating their sandwiches and taking their youngsters to school, he could only assume it had to be around ten or eleven 'o' clock.

Maybe I should pay Angie and Gerald a visit perhaps.

Valaero knew which way to go, it was the first house where the road is.

He began to make his way to the far end of the road, slowly but surely.

About ten minutes had passed, and he made it. The house was a beautiful cottage, you could hear the birds singing, the bushes were covered with red roses, hah, Ma's favourite. He got closer to the door, they had grown all different kinds of vegetables, they did look quite appetizing strangely enough, Valaero never ate his veggies, but after not eating for a day or two, he was bursting for something. Valaero found himself standing Infront of the hard oak door, he proceeded to gently knock a few times.

The door slowly opened, but it wasn't Angie, nor Gerald.

A young boy opened the door, the first thing Valaero noticed was how long and elegant his hair was, his luscious locks draped down from over his clean-shaved, gaunt face. His eyes looked tired, almost like he hadn't slept well for the past few previous nights. His figure was almost skeleton like, and his clothes were very similar to Valaero's, tight jeans, tight shirt, but he also wore a graceful chain, it looked like it had a photo in it, but Valaero didn't dare to start looking at his chest.

Valaero: EarthboundWhere stories live. Discover now