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Swati looked at her son with a pained look in her eyes as he enthusiastically tried to feed his friend.

Rishabh was her son, he was her life, so looking at him in this condition really wasn't easy for her, but still she powered through, she had to, for her son.

So she smiled gently as she messed up his hair, but her cutie just smiled at her and she smiled back.

Later that evening she sat with her husband on the couch as they looked at their son playing, "Harsh, come here, you'll love this toy. " He hollered.

Swati felt the tears dropping down her face, "Akshit, when are we going to take Rishabh to a psychiatrist? " She asked softly.

Akshit looked blankly at his wife but eventually said, "Soon."

Swati felt her heart break as she saw Rishabh calling out to the air for his friend, a friend who didn't exist, there was no one named Harsh in that house, her son had a problem.

Looking at the magnolia tree through the windows she couldn't contain her sobs.

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