✨️Chapter 5✨️

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The night of the bachelorette party of Yoongi and Hana arrived, and the club was buzzing with excitement

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The night of the bachelorette party of Yoongi and Hana arrived, and the club was buzzing with excitement. The ladies gathered around Hana, congratulating her, dressed in their finest dresses and accessories. Yn, always the dutiful bridesmaid and sister-in-law, had helped with transforming the space into a dazzling wonderland of flowers, fairy lights, and champagne, all to the taste of Hana.

As the music resonated on the DJ and the laughter filled the air, Yn found herself swept up in delight, dancing and chatting with her friends and meeting Hana's friends. Soon, feeling a little too worked up, she decided to go out for a bit.

Stepping out of the club for some fresh air, Yn leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. The cool night breeze caressed her skin and calmed her nerves as she allowed her eyes to close for a few seconds, savoring the moment of peace and silence.

Suddenly, the sound of laughter and catcalls shattered the peace, causing Yn to get startled and open her eyes. A group of men, clearly intoxicated, had gathered near the entrance to the club, their gaze fixed on her. The club was exclusively for Min members; the ladies were having parties in one part while the men were on the other side of the club.

"Well, hello there, darling!" one of the men called out, his words slurred. "Why don't you come join us here?" Yn felt a chill run down her spine, and she instinctively took a step back, her heart racing.

"Get lost from here," she stammered, cursing the tremor in her voice. The men erupted into laughter, their laughs growing louder. "Aw, don't be like that, sweetheart!" another man shouted as he held her hand, trying to force her. "We just want to have a little fun!"

Yn's mind raced, and she desperately tried to snatch her hand from the men's hold as tears came to her eyes as she shouted "I said, leave me," searching for a way to escape the situation. Just as the men were going to come close to her, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows. "Is there a problem here?" Jin's calm and authoritative voice cut through the din.

The men turned, their expressions shifting from amusement to unease as they recognized the elder Kim heir. "No problem, sir," one of them stuttered, leaving Yn's hand as she took a few steps back.

"We were just... uh, having a bit of fun, that's all." Jin's gaze was unwavering, and his posture was tense. "I'd suggest you take your 'fun' elsewhere, or I will show you the real fun," he said, his tone turning dark and leaving no room for argument.

The men exchanged uneasy glances, their threatening and cocky behavior quickly leaving under Jin's dark gaze. One by one, they muttered their apologies and began to sprint away, their laughter replaced by the sound of retreating footsteps.

Jin turned his attention to Yn, his expression softening. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he held her shoulders. Yn nodded, her body trembling slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine," she stammered, her eyes shining with tears of relief and fear.

"Thank you, Jin. I didn't know what would have happened if you hadn't come," said Yn as Jin stepped forward, gently taking her in a hug.

"It's alright, Yn. You're safe now." Yn melted into his embrace, allowing the tension to slowly drain from her body. They stood there for a moment, the sounds of the party muffled in the background, until Yn finally pulled away, offering Jin a saddened smile. "I should probably head back inside," she said, her voice heavy now.

"The girls and Hana will be wondering where I've gone, and they must be worried." Jin nodded, his gaze lingering on her face. "Yn, if you don't feel comfortable going back in there, I can take you home. You don't need to hide your emotions." Yn hesitated, torn between wanting to rejoin Hana and going back home.

"I... I don't know," she admitted, chewing on her lower lip nervously. She really wanted to go back.

Jin reached out, gently squeezing her hand. "It's up to you, Yn. But I want you to know that you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with, okay?" Yn nodded and said, "Okay. I... I think I will just go home, if that's alright." Jin smiled reassuringly. "Of course. Let's get you home."

As they made their way to Jin's car, Yn couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The adrenaline from the earlier encounter was still coursing through her veins, and she found herself shaking slightly. Jin reached over and gently squeezed her hand, offering her a comforting smile. Once they were settled in the car, Yn turned to Jin, her expression apologetic.

"Jin, I'm sorry for ruining the party. I know how important this day is for Yoongi and Hana, and I didn't mean to..." Jin cut her off with a gentle shake of his head. "Yn, you have nothing to apologize for. What happened out there was not your fault, and your safety and well-being are far more important than any party. Yoongi and Hana won't even think about leaving this party for you." Yn felt a lump form in her throat, knowing Jin was right, and she nodded her head.

"I'm just glad I was able to help. You're my friend, Yn, and I'll always be there for you, no matter what," Jin said to Yn with a soft smile.

As they drove towards the Min estate, the tension in her body slowly began to be replaced by a sense of safety and security. Halfway to the Min estate, Jin's phone suddenly rang, the familiar ringtone cutting through the silence.

Yn watched as he glanced at the screen, his expression shifting to one of concern. "It's Yoongi," he said, quickly answering the call. "Hello? Yoongi, what's wrong?" Yn could hear the faint sound of Yoongi's voice on the other end, and she leaned in closer, straining to make out the words.

 "Hello? Yoongi, what's wrong?" Yn could hear the faint sound of Yoongi's voice on the other end, and she leaned in closer, straining to make out the words

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