First Impressions

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-His: A woman without magic teaching at a magical institution...? Eh, more pressingly when's my next vacation agin?
-Yours: Where in the...? Hold on a second, who's tall dark and handsome with the bird mask?
-He: Only worried that you'd be the cause of his job being more difficult.
-You: We're more concerned with why in the heck you were suddenly standing in front of a man with a bird mask on.


-His: What a push over, no self respecting individual willingly works for me. Even the brothers think she's out of touch...
-Yours: What a shame, so much potential gone to waste because of his negligence, not my problem though.
-He: Didn't particularly pay any mind to you.
-You: Evaded him to not draw suspicious of yourself running a side gig in his own place of business.


-His: A curious creature... She's awfully small, and looks rather brittle, yet she walks around like she's completely without fear...
-Yours: He's... oddly cute? Weird, he seems young, and acts it too, yet he's wise beyond his years. At least he's pleasant company.
-He: Was fascinated with your odd disposition within the school.
-You: Found him to be an oddity, but a kind student to be around.


-His: Silly shrimp!... For such a small shrimp she's awful full of energy, weird too... she's cool.
-Yours: Holy heck he's huge, why's he so freakishly tall??? Ah! Maybe if I jump high enough I'll be as tall as he is!... Nope.
-He: Though you were an absolute hoot, your actions, and simplistic line of thought cracked him up.
-You: Considered him to be a bit intimidating, but in a world like this, that was something you preferred to face head on.


-His: She's... helping? Maybe she wants something? But I can't get over the fact that she gave up her position as house warden. It's appalling.
-Yours: He's got a lot on his plate, it seems more so than I. The least I can do is lend him a hand and shown him the ropes before I graduate.
-He: Didn't understand your motives, but ended up appreciating the help anyway since he'd always been the helper.
-You: Found it endearing to be able to give support to another person without actually holding the weight of responsibility.

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