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-Tea time in Crowley's office became commonplace
-if you weren't in your classroom your students knew where to find you
-and tea time extended past the average school day
-despite Crowley's seeming lack of diligence and ethic he does still have to put some effort into his work behind the scenes
-eventually it became normal for you to spend your evenings after school hours helping Crowley with paperwork
-he often got side tracked with you in his presence but you were always very good at getting him back on track
-between your easy going generous personality and work ethic Crowley couldn't resist you despite the fact that you were an ordinary human
-he had a tendency of giving you gifts often shiny trinkets he thought you'd like or a magical item that could aide you
-as time went on his gifts became more elaborate and you became hesitant to accept
-you worked together and he outranked you by quite a sum but seeing that it hurt his feelings every time you declined his gifts you gave in
-with the stipulation that he restrained his spending habits
-you always tried to give him thinks back but they never quite matched up with his efforts simply because gift giving wasn't your thing
-but one day you'd went to Crowley's office for tea per usual but he didn't seem to be there
-you'd been curious but only sighed really to turn on your heel but a glistening sparkle caught your eye
-sitting on Crowley's desk was something gold and shiny and out of curiosity you took a peek
-"Couldn't resist? Well it's yours. From a terrifically generous man such as myself-
-but I must admit that I've taken a few notes from that Octavinelle boy, and in exchange I'd like your continued companionship"
-You smiled at the childish way of asking for your affection and you picked up the small golden trinket
-A hair pin similar to Crowley's staff that had the golden head of a raven on it and a black feather than dangled from the accessory
-you could only stifle a giggle as you walked over to the side room pushing open the jared door
-with a hand on your hip and a quirked eye brow you extended your hand to Crowley holding out the pin
-he seemed flustered and confused with what to do in the situation but-
-"Would you?" You asked him gesturing to your hair wanting to have him do it for you


-mutually you both came to the conclusion that you would be life time buisness partners
-both of you operated so in sync it often unnerved your customers if not terrifying them
-you could both be listening to a business offer and one key word would click in the both of your heads
-that one click brought you both to the same conclusion without even having to look to the other
-you would drive a harder bargain and Azul would swoop in the make a better offer that only ended up swindling your patrons
-you worked so similarly in fact that Jade and Floyd often wondered if you had some kind of linked mindset like they had
-it was odd for them but they sort of enjoyed having another "boss"
-they often liked you more than Azul actually because you were nicer to them this irritated him to an extent
-yet he could only admire you more for it the way you could wrap people around your fingers
-and you'd done just the same to him and he saw it yet he allowed it knowingly
-and you saw it too how you were more prone to making deals that benefited not only your business
-but went out of your way so it'd benefit Azul as well
-you both mutually came to the same conclusion and held a private meeting
-it was oddly honest and upfront for a confession of love
-you both stated your opinions and feelings towards one another rather bluntly
-to anyone else it may seem stiff and unfeeling but it was the only way either of you could ever imagine going about the ordeal
-no terms no agreements no settlements or stipulations just a simple piece of paper with both your names signed to signify your relationship
-no one understood the paper that hung on Azul's wall in his office they assumed it was the names of two business partners
-but you both knew it was better than that
-after scheming your ways through life twisted words and arms and taking advantage of people you both found someone equally as cunning
-and it was the most comfort in the world to know the other would stab anyone in the back for your sake


-Lilia wasn't afraid of his feelings he was apprehensive of course but he's not the type to deny anything
-once he convinced himself that his affection for you wasn't immoral he immediately took to devising how he'd convey his love
-and of course in the most rambunctious and shameless approach he fell from the ceiling
-levitating in your arms as you instinctively reached out to catch him now holding him like a princess
-he was so tickled with himself he couldn't even get the words out
-he only laughed and giggled at your face
-his amusement spread to you as well pulling a smile and a confused fit of giggles
-no one understood what was happening but no one had to
-you were both being your childish selves and that alone made everyone around you feel happier
-the students around tried to hide there smiles and stifle there chuckles as they glanced away trying not to snoop
-but eventually Lilia his face still pink with laughter caught his breath enough to have the thought to kiss you on the cheek
-"as a thanks for catching him" he'd grinned seeing your reaction
-from the way you smiled as your cheeks flushed anyone who saw could tell it was mutual


-no one's sure when it happened or how but there was just a point in time where everyone realized that you were together
-it was so obvious when they noticed that they didn't know how they hadn't realized sooner
-to Jade and Azul who you both spent much time with it seemed like a natural transition
-it was just simply an unspoken assumption that you two were romantically involved
-out of curiosity Azul thought he'd ask Jade one evening when you both became official
-Jade had attempted to recall that very thing but drew a blank
-curiosity getting the best of him now Azul had asked you to personally
-you'd both blinked almost questioning his statement as you looked to one another
-"Dating?" Floyd had questioned as he glanced at you and you shrugged
-"Now I guess?" You exclaimed
-the entire conversation baffled Azul like you both just agreed "Sure, we're dating I guess?"
-Even though Azul didn't seem as amused by the ordeal Jade found it quite fitting
-he was trying to keep from smiling at the thoughtlessness of the engagement


-you and Jamil had to be more of the down to earth and sane student on the campus
-both of you being much more in touch with reality unlike some pampered and uppity students
-you both worked for your food and board and realized that you didn't need giant parties to be thrown to have a good time
-you could both simply have an equally if not more enjoyable time hanging out in the kitchen snacking while you wait for the timer to go off
-in fact that's how Jamil chose that he wanted to express his affection for you
-you both knew that you held feelings for one another you were just both waiting for the other to make the first move
-And Jamil couldn't take it any longer he had to say something or it would rip him apart if someone else got to you first
-so you'd both been hanging out in the kitchen one night playing around with recipes and spices when Jamil asked for you help
-he seemed frantic especially considering he was always so level headed
-so you assumed there was a fire and immediately used an extinguishing spell
-only to blink in surprise when you realized Jamil who was now soaking wet was holding a rose
-you could only gape your mouth like a fish for a few baffled moments while Jamil sighed trying to wring some of the water out of his shirt
-"Well..." he'd sighed smiling at the absurdity of the situation "This wasn't how I had envisioned it" he admitted chuckling lightly
-and you burst into a fit of giggles then smiling and it caught Jamil off guard
-but seeing how happy the circumstances made you he was satisfied with how things turned out
-and after helping to get Jamil a towel you readily excepted his gesture

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