Realizing Your Shared Interest In Eachother

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-At first Crowley wasn't too enthused with your placement within the schools faculty
-He didn't believe that a magic-less being should be teaching magically inclined students
-but within your first semester of lecture he saw a large decline in the amount of incidents occurring around the campus
-less fights less division among dorms and more camaraderie among students
-and of the only over-blot occurrence you were able to calm the student down before any physical intervention was ever needed
-he saw how valuable your presence was to the school and became curious
-all the students seemed to like you and he wanted to know what it was about you that made the school more cohesive
-so he'd simply walked into your classroom one after noon like he ran it went straight to the back and took a seat
-he said nothing and neither did you you simply carried on teaching
-even thought all the students were obviously uncomfortable with there principal sitting behind them
-he couldn't place it but you did have an odd charm to you a sort of humble refined beauty about you that made you easy to be around
-eventually he decided that to "better the school" you and he should get together to communicate ideas to encourage a more cohesive campus
-in reality he simply wanted to spend more time with you
-and being that your position at the school was a sort of glorified councilor you understood his true motives
-but you didn't mind spending time with him under the pretense of bettering the school
-it was an odd pairing the both of you but it became daily ritual to meet in his office for a cup of tea and a chat
-a chat which always started out as business and always ended in weird stories and conversations
-it was only at the beginning of your second school year after not seeing each other for a summer while Crowley was on vacation
-that he discovered how thankful he truly was for his mask because it covered the faint pink hue to his cheeks when he saw you
-you didn't take quite as long to acknowledge the affection you held
-he's desire for your company made you stupidly happy
-every time you'd have to leave his office to attend to your class he became childish as he pleaded for your continued company
-you didn't have difficulty excepting your fondness but you expected he'd have to figure out his feelings for himself
-so you let sleeping dogs lie and bid your time


-After your first semester in the Monstro Lounge you'd collected enough information gossip and black mail
-that you were confident in presenting your side gig to Azul and a proposal that came at a steep price
-at first he found it insolent the way you sauntered into his office with such shameless confidence
-But before he could get a word in you set your price
-"I want a portion of the Monstro Lounge dedicated to my business spilt 60/40 in my favor still manned by workers on your payroll-
-plus a 10% fee for any disruption to my business as a result of your Leech brothers"
-he could only blink at you for a moment before laughing outright at the absurdity of your demand
-seeing him laughing at you though only made your cut throat smile grow
-and by the look Azul caught in your eyes he cleared his throat understanding that you were making no joke
-he thought you were ambitious and ignorant as he let out a sharp scoff
-"Go on." He had gestured for you to give him your spiel as he had his chin rested on his interlaced fingers propped up on his desk
-in a considerably well thought out offer you pointed out the areas of Azul's business that he'd failed to exploit to there fullest
-and showed him a few golden results of your progress in this endeavor to squeeze the business dry for all it's worth
-over the course of a semester while working the bar you'd documented every tidbit of information and gossip at the counter
-proving quite fruitful even while managing to keep your plan hidden from him
-he was struck by your cunningness you were as wicked as he was and he loved it
-he hated how you'd taken advantage of his own business under his nose
-but any good business man should be able to admit when they've been bested
-and the idea of your skill and your backstabbing mindset delighted him to no end
-he'd rather work with a person like you than risk having you as an enemy
-although to be frank he found your proposal ambitious stupidly unfair and irritatingly so he hated that he hadn't thought of it sooner
-he gladly excepted your partnership that gave you profits and information
-while simultaneously selling that information to Azul for more profit
-as time progressed and both businesses thrived he found the way in which your mind worked to be beautiful
-and an asset to him that he grew to care more about as a partner
-and you too grew fond of Azul's business skills that were on par with yours
-you'd both finally found a partner you could rival in the best most wicked ways while still respecting one another at the end of the day


-You hadn't been attending the school for too long but you'd already gotten yourself in the middle of every possible situation
-fires fights over-blots dorm rebellions sports tournaments and so much more yet you always managed to evade any physical danger
-it baffled Lilia and so when ever you were around his attention drifted to you trying to figure out how you've done so well in this world
-eventually you'd grown to notice Lilia's prying eyes and you'd smile and wave at him to which he feigned innocence
-it didn't bother you too much though he was sweet enough when ever you saw him
-but as time went on Lilia figured out your trick
-you seemed sweet but you managed to manipulate the people around you to save your skin
-that was his initial theory anyhow but you were far too genuinely nice to take advantage of others
-and that was the very thing Lilia was trying to figure out
-people simply liked you so much and gravitated to you that simply no one wished you harm
-and those that did were met with those who you'd shown kindness
-the idea was odd but ingenious and Lilia quite liked the idea of facing violence with kindness
-in your case at least where you have no option of a violent retaliation
-and he too was drawn in by your soft demeanor
-he found your company pleasant and frankly comfortable to be around
-he had no obligation to you yet he found himself wanting to be around you
-and he developed a hobby of jump scaring you so that he could see the smile you'd flash him with every time that made his heart flutter


-Floyd's opinion of people often changes like the waves recede in the ocean
-he could like you one moment and become board of you the next
-in which case he simply walk away yawning
-but you appeared as a special case someone much like Azul and Jade who Floyd simply didn't seem to grow tired of
-he'd hang around you from dusk til dawn and could still talk stupid with you for hours more
-it was odd really but Floyd wasn't complaining it made his school life more interesting
-your silly cute and immature habits he found endearing and funny
-he wanted you to be included in everything he did or he didn't want to do it
-he wanted to want what you wanted and wanted you to want what he wanted
-your relationship was baffling to most yet Azul understood it in some odd way
-and Jade had been the one to notice the change in Floyd's behavior before he did
-Jade and Floyd were inseparable yet you seemed to occupy much of Floyd's time now
-Jade had conflicting feelings about this but most importantly he was glad his brother could find another person who he could connect with
-thought Jade wasn't sure that Floyd understood in which level he connected with you
-Azul wanted no part in your relationship so he left it to Jade to determine Floyd's feelings for you
-weather it was a fling that would cause them problems or was something that should be pursued
-but Floyd didn't see the point of defining your relationship he simply liked being around you and that was the gist of it
-to put it simply you felt similarly why put titles on it?
-your relationship was odd but then agin you both were


-What started as you passing on your experience to the new Vice warden ended up simply having enough enjoyable time with him
-Cooking and baking had been a chore but you found yourself enjoying cooking with Jamil
-and the same could be said for him
-He'd always been cooking for others so he enjoyed when you cooked with him asking him to sample your food
-you would tell him it was to check that the flavors were right but you really just wanted his approval
-and he found himself making dishes special with you in mind
-he wanted someone who would enjoy his cooking to the fullest to compliment him
-you both sought each others approval and companionship
-slowly growing reliant on one another and Kalim had noticed the odd trend of him having two attendants rather than one
-he didn't complain though because the food turned out amazing
-chores that you both once despised became something to look forward to because you would be doing them together
-your fondness for another developed into a heathy relationship where neither one of you were expected to be the "Giver"
-it was the easiest thing either of you had ever done was to be together
-and you both found yourselves wanting more
-To see each other more to be together more to ask for more to give more
-you both had a person to turn to when you needed to
-it was a privilege neither of you had had before you met one another

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