Get up!

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*Will's Pov*
I woke up early as usual. I really hate being an Apollo kid some days. It's honestly so annoying but I really wouldn't change it.

I'm excited for this week. I made plans with the seven+ Nico, the Stolls, Malcolm, and Katie to go down to Florida. Yes I know that's a long trip but hey my mom has a huge beach house down there. Nico got the ride planned out thanks to his chauffeur. I'm not going to lie(well I can't) it did take a lot of persuasion for most of the people. The Stolls agreed instantly and they asked Malcolm and Katie, they agreed too after some persuasion. Leo agreed and Piper and Jason literally follow him everywhere. I asked Annabeth but she said no so I went to Percy and he agreed faster then the Stolls. When I asked Frank and Hazel they took some time but they agreed. And Nico was a whole lot of pleading and puppy dog eyes.

"Nico!" I knocked on the door.

"Come in." He called back. I opened the door and stepped inside. Nico was on his bed with the coco puffs. The one with one eye came straight up to me and I bent down to pet it.

"So Neeks I have a question." I stated sitting on his bed. Some coco puffs snuggled in my lap.

"That question is." He said.

"Can you come to Florida with me and the group?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"Why not." I whined.

"Listen Tesoro, I'll do a lot foe you but going down to Florida ain't one of them." He shook his head.

"Please." I pleaded. He shook his head. I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he almost broke but he still shook his head.

"Tesoro stop you know those make me melt." He complained.

"Then explain why you won't come." I pouted.

"Because I don't want to go and I don't like the sun." He said.

"I am literally the son of Apollo." I deadpan.

"I know that but-" He was cut of me.

"Please Neeks! I'll do anything." I pleaded again with the puppy dog eyes. He looked like he was about to break. I leaned over and kissed his template.

He sighed "Fine I'll go." I smiled from ear to ear. "You look like a dork when you do that." He noted. I kissed his cheek.

*End of Flashback*
Great times.

Anywho I grabbed my backpack with all my stuff in there. I placed it on my bed and went to the bathroom. I got changed into a tank top with 'Star Wars' on it. I put on Cargo shorts and flip flops. You could see a bit of my sun tattoo peaking out of the shirt.

I walked back out and shouldered my backpack. I said goodbye to my siblings and headed to Neeks cabin. I knocked on the door. No answer. I swear if this boy is still asleep. I opened the door and Nico was all snuggled up in his blankets. Why am I jealous of blankets. Ugh. The coco puffs all huddled together on a separate bed.

I opened the curtains and said, "rise and shine death boy. Beach day! Or car day if you want to be miserable about it."

Nico groaned and pulled the blankets over his head. I went over and pulled the blankets off him. He groaned even louder and buried his head in his pillow.

"Come on Sunshine." I pulled him on to the ground.

(A/N I love no chill Will)

"Why!" He complained.

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