✨️Chapter 7✨️

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Jin and Yn were driving towards the wedding venue with all the last minute things, when a crowd on the road caught their attention

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Jin and Yn were driving towards the wedding venue with all the last minute things, when a crowd on the road caught their attention. Yn and Jin exchanged a concerned glance before rushing out of the car to check what happened.

As they stepped outside of the car, they saw a woman lying on the ground, her clothes stained with blood. Jin immediately got near the women and supported her.

Yn quickly dialed 911, her eyes filled with worry as reported the situationto the moderator. Within 10 minutes, the sound of sirens filled the air, and the woman was carefully loaded into an ambulance.

Yn rode in the ambulance with the woman with Jin following behind with the car, her eyes fixed on the woman's pale, unconscious face. The paramedics worked frantically, trying to stabilize her condition, and Yn could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

When they arrived at the hospital, the woman was quickly taken away to the operation room, leaving Jin and Yn to wait  in the lobby. Jin and yn sat side by side after informing their parents that they might be late.

After what felt like an eternity, a doctor emerged from the operating room, his expression grim. "The woman is still in critical condition. She's suffered severe internal bleeding, and we're doing everything we can to stabilize her. I'm afraid we can't say anything more at the moment."

Jin and Yn exchanged a worried glance, their hearts sinking. "Can we see her?" Jin asked, his voice tense.

The doctor shook his head. "I'm afraid not, not until she's out of the operating room. I'll come back with an update as soon as I can."

With that, the doctor turned and hurried back through the double doors, leaving Jin and Yn alone in the lobby, their thoughts swirling with uncertainty and concern.

As they waited, Yn reached out and gently squeezed Jin's hand, offering him a small, reassuring smile. Jin returned the gesture, his grip tightening slightly, and Yn could see the worry and fear etched into his features.

Suddenly, the sound of familiar laughter echoed through the lobby, and Jin and Yn both turned to see a familiar figure striding towards them, a man by her side.

Yn's eyes widened as she recognized the woman - Daisy, Jin's girlfriend. And to her shock, Daisy was visibly pregnant, her belly swollen with child.

Jin's expression crumpled, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and betrayal. "Daisy...?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Daisy paused, her gaze sweeping over Jin and Yn with a cool, almost indifferent expression. The man by her side, a tall, well-dressed figure, placed a protective hand on her shoulder, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene.

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