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Chapter 1O || Makes it hard to regret
;the line are blurring, and you're the reason

I can't tell if the pounding I'm hearing is real, or simply in my head but I wish to who-the-fuck-ever that it goes away

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I can't tell if the pounding I'm hearing is real, or simply in my head but I wish to who-the-fuck-ever that it goes away.

"Ace," Is all I hear a female whispering before I'm shoved to the side. "Dude, wake the fuck up."

Even in my half dead state, she makes me smile.

I don't need to be fully functioning to know it's Lucy Reynolds knocking me up side my head to wake me, and I am not mad about it. I'm mostly relived she's still here.

After coming to me to help her forget, I realised there was more going on with Lucy and all it made me itch to do was find out what. To help her. Comfort her.

Even the fact she's using me to doesn't hurt a much as it should. I just want to be the one she turns too to feel numb for those moments of painful pleasure. Or in my case, giving into temptation.

"My god." The brat huffs, but that's all she gets too before I'm rolling over, snatching her waist and dragging her body onto mine, laughing when a little squeal pops outta her.

"You always this annoying in a morning?" I say with a grin.

Her wide eyes widen even more, one arm swatting at my chest. "Dumbass, someone's knocking on the boat."

I pause for a moment, listening for the knocking, or voices, anything, but after another beat passes with silence, I call it clear and squeeze Lucy's thighs, the same strong thighs straddling me, and my morning wood.

"Whoever it was has gone now, you can relax, princess." I tap the side of her leg, a gesture to release her death grip on my waist.

Her eyes flash down to where we connect, then back to me as her legs loosen up, her firm ass perching down on my aching dick. "Sorry." She mutters, looking down and glum. I don't like it.

"Hey," I jut my hips up and duck my head to catch her eyes. "What's up?"

It takes a minute of her staring at me. I mean really staring. Straight into my soul is how it felt. With a tip of her head, she quickly shakes it then scrambles to climb off me, clumsily getting her foot caught into the blanket, ripping it off my naked body when she falls off the bed, and onto the floor with a thud.

"Shit," she curses, rushing to her feet, cheeks flushed beet red making her blue eyes pop and glitter under the morning sun shining through.

It takes something out of me. Something that makes me physically unable to move my body, or look away.

Lucy Reynolds is a goddess.

"I gotta go."

The word sink in and snap me back to the boat. The bedroom of the boat. The bedroom my Coach's daughter is rushing around, scooping up her dress before shimming it on.

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