PT 2 of the last chapter with some Mialotte

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Autumn and the other's were sitting with her in the infirmary, Winter was holding an ice pack to her cheek. Autumn felt betrayed. Her own brother hurt her, bad. She was in deep thought when Winter caught her attention. "My sweet, are you alright?" He asks her softly. "Mhm. I'm fine darling." She said in return, smiling softly. He kissed her forehead and she blushed softly. Marjorie's eyes widened softly. She's never seen Autumn display much emotion, let alone PDA (Public display of affection). Reece paced in the hallway nervously, he knew Marjorie would be pissed for hurting one of her employees. Marjorie would always get pissed if someone hurt one of her employees, especially her deputy manger. Marjorie saw him out in the hallway and told everyone she'd be back.

She left the infirmary and crossed her arms at Reece. "Really Reece? Your own sister? That is messed up. She purposefully never mentioned it to you because she knew you would absolutely freak and you did, hurting her in the process." Marjorie said sternly, holding her ground. Reece looked at Marjorie. "I know. I was being immature and hurt my sister in the process. Could you tell her I'm so sorry?" Marjorie thought about it and went into the room to talk to Winter and the other's. They all left the room and gave space for Reece. He took a deep breath and walked in. Autumn sat on the bed looking at the man who just walked into the room. "Hi Reece." Autumn says, deadpanned.

Reece fiddles with his hands. "Hey Autumn...I'm really, really sorry about what I did to you..." He says, looking at her with nothing but guilt and forgiveness. Autumn knew when he said her real name, he really meant what he was going to say. "Are you really sorry or are you just saying that to say that?" Autumn says, not trusting what he was saying. Reece grabs her hands and looks into her eyes, nothing but sadness, guilt, and forgives is in his eyes. Autumn starts to tear up. "You....You really mean it, Reece...?" Autumn asks. Reece's eyes tear up and he holds her hands as he nods. They hug each other tightly. The other's eavesdropped and smiled when they hugged. Mia stood behind Char looking through the window. "The Knight siblings finally made up?" she said, which made Charlotte jump since she wasn't expecting to see Mia. "Mia!" Char hugs her tight and Mia hugs back. The older one kisses Char's forehead. Char goes to sign out and she leaves with Mia.

--------------------TIMESKIP-----------------Later that day, Mia and Char were at Char's house. Mia was laying in Charlotte's lap while she ran her hand through the red head's hair. "Hey Char?" Mia asked and looks up at her. Char looks down and smiles. "Yes Mia?" She questions. Mia hugs her waist and puts her chin on Char's stomach. "Do you really love me?" She asks softly, getting nervous to what Charlotte's response would be. Char was honestly shocked, she never thought Mia would be the type of person to be so soft. "Of course I do, Amelia." Char says and kisses the older one's forehead. Mia blushes. Char only used her real name when she was being down right serious.

Mia sits up and kisses Char while sitting on her lap. Char held her by her waist as they made out. Char's tongue immediately went into Mia's mouth, which said person moaned at the feeling. The kiss got deeper and more heated. Char pulled off the red head's shirt and revealed her black bra. Char's lips moved to her neck and she kissed and sucked all around Mia's neck. "Ch-Charlotte...right there...aah~" Mia moans. Char bites her neck and Mia moans loudly. She was then carried to Char's room and thrown on the bed...

Lets just say it was a night of moaning and groaning.


651 words

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