Chapter I [Sophia & Albus]

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"SOPHIA! GET BACK IN HERE!" My father yells. But I don't want to turn around. I don't even want to look at him. I run towards the train station as he keeps yelling. I look at my ticket, almost dropping it.
9 3/4 it says. I look foor the platform but there is no platform such as 9 3/4. I see a couple with strollers and two children.

"Come on, Albus, We're going to be late! We have to hurry to 9 3/4," I hear the man yell. Something tells me he is a wizard. I follow them with my one suitcase and a white owl named Kai. The woman kisses the wizard and runs towards a post between platforms 10 and 9. She disappears in the post. I blink my eyes and take my suitcase to them. I almost hit the boy, Albus.

"Sorry," He says, his cheeks go red.

"Sorry... Umm.. Can You... Umm.. Tell me how to... How to..."

"How to get on the platform, yes? It's Albus's first year as well," the man says. I smile a little.

"Well, getting onto the platform is easy: You just run through the post between platforms 9 and 10," The man smiles. I smile nervously.

"Albus, show her how it's done," The man says. Albus nods and runs through the post with his stroller. I blink my eyes, twice, before the man puts his hand on my shoulder.


"Not really," I murmur and run through the post. As I make it to the next side, the man follows me.

"Great job!" Albus smiles brightly.

"Thanks..." I murmur and look at the train. It's black and red. And has a sign saying "Hogwarts Express". I look at the train, smiling brightly. I hurry through the students in the train and take a free cabinet. I look outside, my hands on my lap and smile to myself.

"Come on, Teddy! We have to find a free cabinet before they get taken," I hear Albus. I run to the door and stick my head out.

"Hey Albus!" I say and he turns around.

"Can we come in?" Albus asks, nodding at his confused friend with cyan blue hair and brown eyes.

"Sure," I smile and they come in. Both sit on the same side, opposite from me. They also have a girl with them who sits next to me.

"Hello," She smiles.


"I'm Victoire Weasley," She smiles. Her hair is blonde and her eyes are blue. She also has freckles.

"Sophia Reed," I smile.

"She's actually cute, if You think. Except the hand-me-down clothes She's wearing."

"I wasn't able to afford any other..." I say and look outside. The blue haired boy keeps studying me. We pass by a row of black figures. Everything goes cold and the lights go out. A man stands in front of our cabin, his wand out. Some light blue, almost white balls or animals run towards something and the train starts moving again. The door opens and the man walks in. Lights go back on and it gets warm inside here again.

"Its okay, kids. Its safe now." The man says.

"Uncle Ron!" Victoire yells and runs to the man.

"Little Vic!" the man yells. Boys run to the man as well, laughing. I turn to look outside, my father's words echoing in my mind.

"Sophia, this is our uncle Ron," Albus says. I don't turn around. I don't want them to notice me crying.

"Hey Al, I think Your friend is crying," The man says. Someone walks to me and sits next to me. I don't even want to turn around to see the man.

"Sophia?" Albus asks and I just shake my head. He takes my hand and squeezes it, letting me know that he's here for me. I turn around and and he smiles. Why is he smiling so much...? Albus puts his hand on my cheek and wipes my tearrow. He wipes the second one, holding my face ever so gently and smiles then.

"All better now," He smiles and I nod.

"Thank You, Albus," I murmur and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm always here for You, Sophia," he smiles. The man smiles at us.

"You two look cute together," he chuckles and pets our heads. Then he leaves. I blush a little and Albus smiles. Then the cyan blue haired boy calls him. They hurry out of the cabin.

"So do You like my nephew?" Victoire asks. I turn to her, my eyes widen.

"Uh... No. Yes. I mean like he's a cool kid, I guess," I stutter. Victoire chuckles and smiles.


We walk up the stairs. Its a beautiful cream colored castle with multiple towers, a lake and a forest. I'm already looking forward to exploring the forest and its grounds. We also met Hagrid, the groundskeeper. He's an old half-giant, wearing brown leather clothes.

Top of the stairs, a woman is standing there, wearing purple robes and a pointy hat. We stop in front of her.

"Welcome to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. I'm professor Helena McGonagall and I am the head of Gryffindor. Now, in a few moments, You all will go through these doors and join Your classmates, but before You can do that, You must be sorted into Your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Now wait here," the woman says and enters. She comes back a minute and opens the door, revealing four long tables and curtains. We step in forward and in front.

"When I call Your name, You shall step forward. I shall place the Sorting Hat on Your head and You will be sorted into Your houses," Prof H. McGonagall says.

"Albus Potter," professor says. Albus walks to the chair and professor puts the hat on his head. The hat yells "Gryffindor!". The table under the red curtain with a lion starts cheering. Albus runs, throwing the hat at professor and he runs to the table. The cyan haired boy, Teddy, Victoire and a boy named Scorpius Malfoy get sorted into Gryffindor.

"Sophia Reed,"

Slowly, I walk to the chair and the hat is placed on my head.

The Broken Child (#1 in Hogwarts Series)Where stories live. Discover now