Chapter III [Albus]

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I'm the one who should be with her. I'm the one who's supposed to help her through things. I raise my hand and professor Berlin sighs.

"What now, Potter?" He asks and my brother, James, chuckles.

"May I go after miss Reed?"

"Just hurry up," Professor says. I collect my and Sophia's things and run out. I arrive at the commonroom and notice Angelica and Fred fighting. Fred notices me and runs to me.

"Please, tell her not to kill me, Albus," Fred sighs. I roll my eyes and run up. I hear sobbing and crying from the girls' dormitory, and without hesitation, I hurry in, dropping the things. Sophia's bed is covered with red curtains and I hear crying. I pull the curtains away and Sophia's hiding under the blanket, sobbing.

"Soph," I murmur, leaning down. She turns around.

"I-I'm so sorry..." She sobs and I climb next to her, under the sheets. She cries on my chest as I whisper soothing words to her untill she falls asleep on my chest. My heart is pounding with happiness and and sadness at the same time as I think of her lips against mine. I've felt sadness and disappointment in the past four years and only now I can say that I'm happy just where I am. Even when she's sad. For the moment.


I feel some moving on my chest and then someone shakes me.

"Al, wake up," I hear an angelic voice.

"I don't want to," I murmur.

"You have to. Before the girls return,"

"Fine," I huff and open my eyes. Sophia's leaning on me, her eyes puffy and sleepy and her hair is a mess. Still, she looks beautiful to me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest, our noses touching.

"May I kiss You, Sophia?" I whisper, my eyes filled with hope.

"What?!" She asks and pushes herself free.

"I just saw Fred kiss someone else, betraying me and then You dare to ask that?!" She asks.


"No I's. Just get out," Sophia says and throws me with a pillow. I sigh and get up.

"Just remember that if You need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here," I murmur and exit the room. I collect my things from the ground and slowly go to the boys' dormitory where my brother is waiting.

"How'd it go?"

"Not well. I screwed it up, again," I sigh and drop on my bed.


"I asked her if I could kiss her. She looked so beautiful and I just couldn't help myself, JS..."

"Sev, just calm down. She'll eventually understand. Sooner or later, she'll get it,"

"Let's just hope she doesn't do that too late," I sigh and grab my Herbology textbook. We hurry to the class where Sophia is sitting with Victoire this time. I hurry next to Teddy and tell him everything. He coos and gives some advice. Basically the same as Sirius.

[Teddy] Yaay, it's Teddy's point of view! :D

I walk to Divination and sit next to Sophia, who looks like she hasn't slept in days. She hurries up to hug me and starts crying.

"Sophia, calm down,"

"Sorry, Teddy..."

"It's okay, Soph. Can I tell You something?" I ask as we sit down. Professor Trelawney, an old woman with lots of fun quirks, hasn't yet arrived.

"Sure.." She sighs. She notices Albus come in and she tenses.

"It's about Albus," I say and she groans.

"Please not about hi-"

"Just hear me out, Soph,"

"Fine," She huffs and I tell her Everything.

"Albus told me that he was just caught up in a dream. He didn't want to hurt You in any way. And..." I sigh, "I'm not going to tell You what he should tell himself,"

"What have I done..?" Sophia sighs, her hair caught up in her fingers.

"Should I call Albus here?" Teddy asks.

"Would You? I really need to talk to him..." She sighs.

"Of course, Reed," I smile and walk to Teddy.


I walk to Sophia and she hugs me, tightly. I sigh. Her arms feel just right around me and I can't help but to feel jelaous of Fred in some ways. Yes, I am furious about his actions. But before I came go class, I talked to him.

I walk up to Fred and call his name.

"Yo, Fred!"

"Hey Al..." He sighs. His face looks tired and I feel the pain to punch him in his guts.

"What did You do to Soph?"

"It was an accident, Al... She kissed me,"

"And why should I believe that?!"

"I swear, I never want to hurt Sophia. I like her..." He sighs. He doesn't look like his old self.

"If I get You and Sophia to talk, would You not tell her about my feelings?"

"Sure. And Thank You," He sighs. I nod and walk off to Divination.

"I'm so sorry, Al... I just... I'm sorry..." she sighs.

"Soph, it's okay. I understand now,"

"You sure?" she asks.

"Yeah. I'm sure. I just want You to be happy," I smile and she smiles back. We sit down.

"How about we forget this ever happen,"

"I'd love to," She smiles.

Kind of short but filling, i guess. Finally, Albus knows about his feelings ❤ Well, I'll make the new one soon. ❤ Bye ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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