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Song: I Did With You- Lady Antebellum

Four years later... 

She could still remember the day he asked her to marry him. It was the happiest day of her life. Now, flash forward. Luke and Jaylee went through college together and graduated. Of course they had bumps along the road, but what couple didn't? Their fights, their moments-- those were what formed them. Those are what made them stronger as a couple and held them together. Everything Luke did made Jaylee fall harder everyday. 

Their wedding day had finally arrived, and neither of them could have been more excited. Luke's best man was his dad, and three of his best friends from college were his groomsmen. Jaylee's maid of honor was Raelynn, and her three bridesmaids were Cassie, Lauren, and a girl she met at college. Life couldn't have been any better than it was on that day. 

"Oh, Jaylee, you look so beautiful!" Her mother cried, and Jaylee smiled at her, wrapping her in a tight hug. 

Jaylee was dressed in a beautiful white lace dress with a long train. The dress wrapped around her neck, with a little diamond belt right wrapped around her waist. Her hair was pinned in a loose braid with diamonds scattered through it, and a silver headband on the top. Curled pieces hung on the sides. Jaylee and her mother glanced at herself in the mirror. On her feet were diamond heels, and her face was completely natural-- besides some light blush, eyeliner, and mascara. She also had a hint of brown eyeshadow. 

"I brought this for you to wear." Her mother handed her the necklace Sam had bought Jaylee for her sixteenth birthday. Tears formed in her eyes, and she smiled at her mom. "I thought you might want something to remind you that your brother and dad are always here, even on your big day." 

Jaylee pulled her mother in for a hug, and they held on to each other tightly. "Thank you, mom. I love you." Her mother pulled away and smiled, kissing Jaylee's cheek. 

"I love you too, and I am so proud of you, Jaylee." They smiled at each other, and then she walked away. Luke's mom walked in and smiled at Jaylee before pulling her in for a hug. 

"You look absolutely beautiful, Jaylee. My son sure is lucky to have you." Diana whispered, and Jaylee smiled as they pulled away. 

"Thank You, Diana. I'm lucky to have him too." 

"I'm serious. You have made him into such an amazing person. I have never been more proud of Luke." Diana's smile grew bigger, and she held Jaylee's hands in her own, tears filling her eyes. "He is so gentle, kind-hearted, caring, and funny, now that you are in his life. You have changed him into a mature, good guy, and I can never thank you enough for loving my son like you do."

Tears welled in Jaylee's eyes, and she pulled Diana in for another hug. " Thank you so much, Diana. I love Luke with all my heart. He has always been an amazing guy." 

After they pulled away, the door of Jaylee's room opened to reveal Luke's best friend, Bennett. 

"You guys coming? Luke's having a heart attack down there." Jaylee and Diana laughed, and then they got ready. Cassie walked down the aisle with her groomsman, followed by Henley, Lauren, and then Raelynn. Jaylee walked down the hall and waited for the bridesmaids to get to their spot. The music started playing, and Jaylee smiled at her mother. She kissed her cheek before they started walking down the aisle. 

When Jaylee entered the church, the first thing she saw was Luke. The man she loved, and the man she was spending the rest of her life with. Not to mention, the one she was deeply in love with. Luke looked extremely handsome in his black and white tux, with his hair styled in his messy way. Jaylee loved how he could look formal, but casual at the same time.  His blue eyes shined radiantly when his eyes landed on Jaylee, and he felt his heart beat a little faster. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. It was like witnessing an angel for the first time. 

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