Chapter Fourteen.

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Song: Kissing A Fool- George Michael 

Three years earlier... 

Jaylee had just returned from soccer practice, completely exhausted. After twenty suicides and fifteen laps around the field, close to death was an understatement. She was pretty much having poisoned tea with death himself. It didn't help that she was a freshman and was just getting the hang of varsity soccer in high school. 

After quickly changing out of her sweaty practice clothes and getting a quick shower, she decided to go to her boyfriend Eric's house. She and Eric had been together for a year and a half, and she couldn't have been more happier. Eric treated her so well. It seemed surreal that a senior could love her, a freshman, but he did. 

Or she thought. 

"I'm going to Eric's, mom!" Jaylee yelled, and her mom hugged her before Jaylee walked out the door. 

"Okay! See you later, honey." 

Jaylee walked down the sidewalk of her neighborhood, since Eric lived right down the road from her. Once she reached his house, she spotted a new car in his driveway. At first, she thought it was one of his friends from football, so she decided to let herself in. When she walked through the front door, everything was eerily silent, until she heard a moan coming from upstairs. Her heart started beating faster, and she quickly ran up the stairs towards Eric's room. She slammed the door open, and what she saw broke her heart right in half. Her whole being was shattered. Eric was making out with Miley on his bed, where the night before he had told Jaylee he would never love another girl as much as he loved her, and she was the only girl for him. 

Funny how easy promises were broken and lies were told. 

Eric and Miley snapped their heads towards Jaylee, and Miley smirked. Eric's expression was blank, and Jaylee thought he would have at least been shocked. 

"Hello, Jaylee." Miley greeted, and Jaylee prayed that Eric would get away from Miley, run to her, and tell her it was all a mistake. Jaylee could feel herself slowly breaking. Eric was her first boyfriend, and she loved him. Jaylee knew she would have forgiven Eric in a heartbeat had he asked her, but he didn't. 

Instead, he smirked at her, completely ruining the existence of the good Jaylee and turning her into the heartbreaker. 

They always said once the heart was broken, there was no going back. 


Luke ran out to his car once Jaylee was completely gone and out of sight. Instead of taking the exit to the market, he turned the other way, riding to a house. He parked the car, grabbed his phone, and texted the girl. 

Luke: Hey, I'm out here. Are you ready? 

He sent the message, and a couple seconds later, his phone vibrated. 

Yeah, I'm coming. 

The girl walked out, and Luke's mouth dropped. She was dressed in a leather black mini skirt and a hot pink crop top. She wore a pair of black stilettos, and her hair was perfectly curled, spiraling down her shoulders. She climbed into the passenger's seat of Luke's car. 

"Hey, baby." She flirted, her voice seductive, and she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Luke glanced over at her and smirked. 

"A kiss on the cheek? I think we can do better than that." The girl smirked as she placed a hand on Luke's thigh. 

"I will when we get to your house." Luke smiled and placed a hand on her thigh, slightly gripping. She let out a moan, and Luke smiled with pleasure. 

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