Chapter 1

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Y/n: Shin wake up!

Shin: What~?

Y/n: Oh you idiot. Do you realise what day it is?

Shin: Friday?

Y/n: What started this Friday?

Shin: OH SHIT!

The two of us were told by our company that were going to be joining a series where the winners would be forming a group. The company in question? Starship entertainment. How long would the group be together? I have no idea...but I did know we were going to be late no matter what now because of Shin.

Shin: Why didn't you wake me up!

Y/n: I tried dumbass!

Shin was Korean/American while I was also foreign and had no clue how to speak Korean for the first year and a half I was here but because he was fluent in English helped me out a lot.

Shin: Ok let's go!

Y/n: You got your case?

Shin: Yes!

Y/n: Good because a staff member has been waiting outside for fifteen minutes already.

We rushed down to the van that was waiting for us and the drive started to where the show was being recorded and I assume where we were going to be living during the show.

Shin: Our styles are complete opposites.

Y/n: How so?

Shin: You are wearing black cargo pants a black hoodie and a black cap...with black shoes.

Y/n: I have a white t-shirt under the hoodie...

Shin: Bro I'm literally wearing blue jeans a red varsity jacket with...I mean also a white t-shirt but like wear some colour. Even your rings are just silver.

Y/n: I like them like that.

Shin: You are the most like gothy person while just being an introvert who doesn't like the sun.

Y/n: I just like dark colours.

After a while longer we arrived at what seemed to be multiple buildings that were next to each other and greeted by staff who lead us inside.

Shin: So where do we go?

Staff Member: Please follow me. You will be placed in a room until we come get you.

The two of us went into an annoyingly small  room for the both of us and ended up trapped in there for a while and it wasn't even cool.

Y/n: Stay still.

Shin: I can't help it.

After a while a member of staff lead us out of the room and backstage where we were both given tags that had our names as well as something that was covered.

Shin: What's the covered part?

Staff member: Your predicted final rank based off your audition.

Shin: Huh...I bet you are last~

Y/n: I bet yours just tells you to leave.

After a couple of minutes we were handed mics and sent up to the stage where we were greeted by many many eyes watching us. It was not only other trainees but what I assumed to be the judges as well...which seemed to be a mainly idol line up.

Shin: Hi~!

I looked at him and saw how he was waving at all the other trainees and the judges as he walked to the centre of the stage. When we got to the centre of the stage one of the judges spoke.

Sunmi: Hello. It's nice to meet you both. If I'm right Shin and Y/n.

Shin: Ah yes I'm Shin. He's Y/n.

Key: Oh? Aren't they your junior's it says they are from Starship.

Exy: Yes. I've actually spoken to Y/n a few times...but when I look at them next to each other Y/n why couldn't you wear some kind of colour?

Shin: I told you!

Y/n: You shut up. Noona you know I only care about comfort in my clothes...Shin also got up late so I had no time to change.

The final judge finally spoke and to be honest...I didn't like them. They seemed to think casually body shaming was ok and the fact they never got called out on it annoyed me.

Heechul: Y/n you don't have the fashion sense to be an idol. Shin looks bright and clearly wants to be here...while you are dressed more like a criminal.

I want to curse at him. What the fuck does he know? As famous as his group is almost every member is problematic in some way. Shin knew I had slight anger problems and was looking at me as I relaxed by cracking my neck then spoke.

Y/n: Well I'm not an idol yet...but aren't you a variety host now? I was hoping for a judge that could make me better not a joke.

I looked him in the eye as I said it. I don't care if I get some shit evil editing. I will look after the other trainees here if I can no matter how harsh I have to be to staff or the judges to do it.

Sunmi: Wow...well can you two come take the final open seats behind us and then we can start calling people down to do their performances and reveal their predicted ranks.

I looked up and saw the final two chairs left. One was right at the top the one for first place. Every trainee knew about the so called curse that it came with...while the other was a few rows down to guess around the thirties? We walked up handing our mics over to a member of staff stood at the side waiting to take our mics.

Shin: You want number one?

I sighed and looked at him then took off my cap and placed it on his head before walking all the way up to the first place chair and sitting down. I looked down to Shin and saw him already talking to the people around him happily while the ones around me looked away whenever I turned my head towards them. I sighed and relaxed in the chair getting comfy as I could as the judges called trainees up in the groups that they arrived in...for some reason they are mostly wearing matching outfits did they prepare that much for this first performance?

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