Chapter 2

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I realised why they were wearing matching outfits as they all seemed to prepare songs that were already out from other idols...most did songs from artists in their own company and well some were pretty good others were...well...yeah...

Sunmi: Ohh~ its finally time. The last two.

Key: Shin and Y/n please come down.

We walked down and I took my cap back off him on the way down.

Shin: How is it up there?

Y/n: Its really a bad view. Like I want to be closer I can hardly see what's happening.

Shin: My view is perfect.

Y/n: I'm so happy for you.

Shin: Thank you honey~

Y/n: I will kill you one day.

We got our mics back from the staff and once again stood in front of the three judges and one variety show host.

Heechul: What have you prepared for us Shin?

Is he just ignoring my existence? Thank god I don't have to talk to him.

Shin: Ahh...well I think Starship prepared us wrong...we kinda made a song rather than covering someone else's...

I saw Exy laugh slightly before containing herself knowing how useless our company can be.

Sunmi: What's the name of the song?

Shin: Well- Y/n you tell them.

Y/n: Its called Barcode.

Sunmi: Can you tell me what it's about?

Y/n: You will see through the lyrics sunbae.

Sunmi: Ohhh~ I'm looking forward to it then.

Shin signalled that we ready for the music to start and when familiar instrumental started we begun our performance

(HAON & Vinxen from school rapper 2)

Shin - HAON

Y/n - Vinxen

For LORE & plot reasons every member of family in Y/n/Vinxen's lyrics are about his grandmother not mother or parents like mentioned in the song.

By the time our performance was finished the trainees and the judges were clapping even the one that probably shouldn't even be classed as a judge.

Key: Wow. You two are...twenty one and twenty? Right? 

Shin: Yes I'm twenty one and Y/n is twenty.

Key: For you to be performing and writing so well at a young's impressive.

Exy: I'm proud to say we are label mates you both did amazing.

Sunmi: Well now I am VERY~ interested in one of you especially. I want to tear those stickers off so we can see your predicted ranks.

Heechul: Well Shin you did more than amazing how your lyrics were correcting Y/ns dark and really unprofessional lyrics. I can-

Key: What was wrong with Y/n's lyrics?

Heechul: Well you heard them too. No Idol should rap about th-

Sunmi: He should rap about it because it's a real problem and if it's how he feels and this is how he can express himself he should be able to freely.

Exy: Shall we move on~?

Key: Yes. Shin can you go first and take off that sticker over your predicted rank?

I watched and saw Shin struggle for a few seconds before slapping his arm away and tearing it off in one move to reveal his predicted rank.

Heechul: I'm not surprised he is ranked so high. We saw how skilled he was being predicted second place is fitting.

Exy: Y/n.

I tore off the sticked covering my own and there were a few gasps but I saw three of the judges just smiling one of which was resting her hand on her chin before picking her mic up.

Sunmi: Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Sunmi: The number five looks nice on you. There was a reason I was interested I guess.

Key: So Y/n is the one you are interested in?

Sunmi: Mhm. Especially with what's coming up.

Exy: You two can head back to your seats now.

Shin bowed and I wasn't planning on it until he stopped me walking and made me bow to three of them.

Shin: Show manners bro.

I handed my mic over and as I was walking back over to my seat but stopped and leaned over the railing.

Y/n: Sunmi sunbae.

Sunmi: Yes?

She looked up at me and I took off my cap and dropped it to her. Thankfully she caught it and looked at me confused.

Y/n: A gift for my first- well second fan.

Sunmi: Who's your first?

Y/n: My grandma.

Sunmi: I'll be happy with being your second fan then.

I walked all the way back to the top and sat back down. After a couple of minutes the judges all stood up and went to the front.

Key: There is a twist we will now reveal to you all.

Exy: Some of you may have noticed that there are five total buildings. That is because you will be split into four separate teams. 

Heechul: The four of us will be the leaders of these four teams and have all chosen up to three trainees that we want in our team.

Sunmi: Who will go first? Heechul you go.

Heechul: Me? Well my first pick is Shin.

Shin pointed to himself and stood up.

Heechul: Shin please come down and stand behind me.

Shin did as instructed and as the team leaders read out who they wanted I wasn't named but there was one left...who was wearing my cap.

Sunmi: I only wrote one name down. There were a lot of impressive performances but. I wrote down the one who made me their second ever fan. Y/n come here.

I smirked slightly then started walking down. When I reached her she hugged me tightly before letting me stand behind her.

Exy: To the rest of you who haven't been picked don't worry you aren't eliminated. You will all be randomly assigned your team.

Key: To those of you that we picked please follow us as we will personally escort you to the buildings where you will eat, sleep and train before coming back to here to perform to from this point onwards a live audience.

After they were done speaking I walked beside Sunmi who when she thought there weren't camera watching us took my hand.

Sunmi: I'm sure you are curious about idol life right? Should I tell you all the secrets? You are old enough to know them.

Y/n: Sunbae-

Sunmi: Noona~

Y/n: Noona you don't think I know some secrets? Why do you think they sent me here? I wont say which but I caught a WJSN and MonstaX member in a practice room together.

Sunmi: Its a good thing neither of us are micd up.

Y/n: I was hoping you noticed we were getting recorded.

Sunmi: But do tell more. In a practice room really? They didn't lock the door? How horny were they?

She spilled more secrets to me as we entered her building and had to stop talking about the fun things as cameras were inside and what we said was getting recorded. But it did make me many idols really indulged in the dark side of the industry? Sex, Drugs, Bribes...who knows what they are doing without the cameras on them.

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