Things yet to be mended

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Okay, here goes:
Sorry if it's shitty, English isn't my first language

No beta we die like MC's father
Restraint is key to survival.

The whiskey is warm in my throat; it ignites something deep within me. My late night drinking isn't helping with my insomnia. I stretch my shoulders and slightly shift in my leather business chair. An anything but gentle ache starts to cloud my mind, the throbbing buzz of pain dulling my expression. My body is slack, and my limbs feel heavy from over excursion. The dim moonlight peering through the half open windows didn't offer much, the static darkness shrouding the room in inky shadow.
Fuck, why was I still at work? It was half past eleven for Christ's sake. All my employees had left at the end of my shift. Gone home to their unsuspecting husbands and wives, maybe even kids; knowing that a job like this was a secret to the grave. Because the business is your life now.

My glazed over eyes, tired from stress barely pick up on the documents right in front of me. I reach for the lamp that sat atop my desk, flicking the familiar switch to the 'on' position. I flinched backwards slightly at the sudden change in lighting, squinting at the sheets of files until my eyes got used to the brightness.
Huh, someone died. Such a shocker.
I shuffle through the various notices and graphs, sorting out two piles. The important ones, and emergency firewood. I smirked slightly at the inner comment, snickering. I readied myself for another sleepless night; preparing for the mundane cricket song to echo throughout my head, for what would probably feel like eternity. Regardless, it had to be done. I picked up the stack of papers, tapping it against the table to straighten i- the door slams open to the right of my vision. I look up from my papers.
Who the hell else would be here at this hour?
I raise an eyebrow at the figure. My migraines and I were not in the mood to deal with this.
"Boss, she's-!" Crack! The receptionist drops to the floor, his limbs contorting into a mangled heap of flesh. A puddle of blood starts to form under his skull.

I sigh, rubbing my temples. There goes another wasted paycheck. I don't bother looking at the figure behind... What was his name? Jack? Jim? Behind that college frat boy.
"You're cleaning that up." I shift around a few documents to their respective stacks.
"Glad to hear you don't give a rats ass about your employees." Derision is dripping from her voice. At this point I care more about having found an excuse to hire a more tolerable receptionist, and less about the fucking gun pointed at my head. My gaze tracks his every move as she lowers the weapon to her side. I mentally brace for impact, a window smashing, a gun firing, maybe even some poor worker's screams. But nothing happens, this fucking woman walks over and takes a seat right across from me. I pour some of my whiskey into a separate glass, sliding it over to him. I pick up my own cup, raising it up to my lips.
"It's been too long, Amaris. Drink?" I take a sip of the alcohol, the burn of my throat distracting me from the liquid electricity flowing through my veins. They say love is the strongest drug, but I'm pretty sure that award goes to adrenaline. Then again, I have no fucking clue what love feels like.
"I'll pass, I'm here on business only." Her voice was pure smoke. I was used to hearing my own arrogant grittiness, so I suppose it was a pleasant change of pace. I mean, it was the only pleasant thing about this encounter.
"Spit it out, then." I set my drink down with a small thud, leaving back against my chair. I cross my arms over my chest, my sharp nails digging into the leather.
She tosses her gun onto the table, it sliding across the wood to rest in front of me."Why is it that I find your men snooping around my warehouse?"
"I can't say I blame them for getting curious as to what Crossed has been up to recently. Seeing as your competition is our main threat to business, and you've been quiet for... what?- Two years?" I reply, technically not blatantly lying.
"I know that they follow orders from you, Percy. If you wanted to know that badly, you could've just come over and asked, you know. You know where to find my apartment." I grimace at the memory. I gave into temptation only once. Never again. That was before I was put to lead before I was ready because of him gaining too many enemies. I was a stupid child then, only a pawn being used by him.
"I'd rather jump into a vat of hydrochloric acid than go there again." I finally state.
She gets up and walks over to my chair. She walks up behind me, brushing her fingers up my arm and my shoulders; coming to stop at the backrest of my chair. God, I know a younger version of me would kill to get my hands on her again. "Would you prefer your place? I know where you sleep too."
"I promise my men will leave you alone, and I won't get in your way again. Just- please leave. It's all I ask." The gravelly words were tainted with a pang of guilt, and a hint of frustration. It was like a perfect recipe for a horrible night. Right now, my head and my heart were at war. My heart wanted nothing more than to feel those sweet lips on mine, to go back to when I was unaware of all these burdens. I had felt free when I still had my endless optimism towards the world. I had felt free with her. But my mind knew better than to hope. It had over between us for a very long time. Maybe if I wasn't so naive and trusting, maybe if we had been open about our pasts, and our fates. Maybe, we wouldn't have made the mistake of loving. Maybe, if we'd known that the harder you love someone, the harder you lose them. I remember that last night, after I put two and two together, she didn't know that I knew. I just sat there, watching her slumber so peacefully, as if she was sleeping on the clouds. I was afraid to kill her.
I knew better than to be afraid now.
"Hmm, if that's what you really want." She saunters back over to the chair and takes a seat.
I move with precision and speed, as if I had planned out this exact moment hundreds of times. Instantly, his gun is off the desk and in my hands. I aim and fire, not bothering to look. If I saw the way she looked at me, I might feel guilty.
And I could afford something like guilt. But all it does is make a clicking noise, no gunshot, no screams, and no thump of a falling body. It wasn't fucking loaded. Who the hell comes to a place like this knowingly with an empty barrel?
"Tough luck, that old thing's barely more than a prop." What the fuck is she talking about? This 'old thing' had no trouble blowing the brains out of... Jeremy? Josh? I mentally slap myself, he probably held this one up as a decoy or something- maybe to keep me compliant with the threat of death? I slide the now useless hunk of metal across the table to her.
"Worth a shot." I lean back against the chair, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I suppose it is." She pushes her glass of whiskey over to me, it gently clinks against mine. It takes me a second to register the pun, I guess she still can't take anything seriously.
"Fuck you, Mari." I roll my eyes at her, scowling.
"You already have baby, now..." She stands up, pushing the chair back. I watch as she glances between the cameras and me.

"We're in a very delicate situation here, so I need you to listen very carefully..."

That was chapter oneeeee
First time writing an actual storyyyy
Whadya think?
Oh btw MC is unnamed and gn so it's not really a self insert but you can read it like one if you want

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