Evan's time with Mono 3

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"Hey Evan i wanted to know if your free, cause there's going to be a really cool event at the mall later tonight" the text said and Evan texted back to Mono "yeah sure, im board and also hungry"

He gets up and grabs his wallet and puts on his red hoodie

He combined his hair a bit before he left the house, he sees Doreen walking back to her house and Evan waved at her, she waves back

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He combined his hair a bit before he left the house, he sees Doreen walking back to her house and Evan waved at her, she waves back

Evan went down hill of the cul-de-sac and he checked the time, 4:03PM and he decided that he would runs instead as the bus wasn't there

"Well, here we go again" he then started sprinting down the neighbourhood and into the streets of the city, he could see the mall afar

When he finally arrived at the mall he took a long breather at the escalator, he pulls out his phone to text Mono

"hey im here, so where are ya?" He sent the message and started walking around the mall as he waited for- "at the center of the mall" the text said

As Evan went to the center of the mall, it was 6:48PM now and he could see some lights at the distance where the center of theall is at

As he got closer his eyes winded as he saw... Gundams, there were gundams on shelves and some GBX machines were placed around in a circle

He then saw Mono holding a bag as he ran up to him "whoa, is this what you were talking about something really cool happening at the mall huh?" Mono nods

Evan was smiling as he looked around, then Mono pulled him to the selves apon shelves of gundams in front of his face right now

Mono shoved what's in the bag he was holding, and it was the gundam Age-2 normal

Mono shoved what's in the bag he was holding, and it was the gundam Age-2 normal

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