Chapter 3:The First Soulmate

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No One POV

A week has passed ever since Haleakala had hung out with his bother Keenan and now that's done with.....Keenan has once again NO IDEA what to do now, Vali is still on his vacation with his family and Tatsumi is also still working.

Haleakala isn't hoke right now since he's on a date with one of his girlfriends so it's just him and his other brother Tobias who's just chilling in the living room watching T.V, he heard footsteps to see Keenan walking downstairs.

"Ahh and look who decided to wake up from the dead, glad to see that you're still alive Keenan." Tobias said to him as he put the newspaper down.

"Shut it asshole I'm surprised you're not out today." Keenan replied to him as he shrugged.

"I just felt like staying home, but do you know that we're going to Italy for the week?"

"Hold on we are? For what exactly?"

"A small vacation, you do remember that we have a castle there so we might as well take advantage of the summer break since you still have pretty much 2 and a half months left."

"Right I just need to tell Tatsu and the others about that for we don't make plans during the time that I'm gone." He said back to him as he made his way over toward the fridge.

It's been pretty boring at the house since he has nothing else to do other than play games which he's been doing pretty much every night. But it's definitely better than going to school as aside from playing video games he's also studying for the entrance exams to go to Haleakala's school.

"How are your studying coming along? Since you asked Haleakala for the entrance exam for his school." He asked out of the blue as Keenan started to think about it.

"It's relatively easy since it's mainly what we learned throughout middle school although most of the topics was when we were in our last year tho. I'm surprised not many people pass it now that I think about it."

"There's a reason why it's known as one of the prestigious schools here in the country since it's not easy to get into, in fact I think our brother got into it by pure luck since he isn't serious about his studies at all."

"Plus his ass is dating the chairman's daughter as well that alone takes a lot of balls in my opinion." Keenan said as he finished his juice and threw it in the trash.

Now that he looked into the fridge he could go grocery shopping for some since it waste time and plus their dad gives them a hefty amount just in case they run out of food before he comes back, pretty much one of the perks of being part of a rich family as they can pretty much whatever you want.

"I'll be back I'm gonna do some grocery shopping since we:re running low on some stuff."

"Funny since I was gonna go out later on to do that myself, but I guess not. Just be sure to take the car with you alright, the keys is on the wall."

He nodded as he made his way over toward the wall where the keys are and looked for the keys to the SUV which is pretty much used for traveling and grocery shopping since it's the car that has the most space out of all the ones that they have.

Their dad pretty much gives the freedom to drive any car that they want says long that they don't damage it too much, like Haleakala who went drifting and crashed the Lambo into the guard rail but then again their dad wasn't even mad but just found it funny that his ass lost control.

"Man it's been awhile since I've driven this beauty I just hope it has enough gas for the trip back." Keenan said as he walked over to the car which I was a Cadillac SUV.

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