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𝗌𝖾𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝟪𝟢𝗌𝟫𝟢𝗌

You couldn't miss the way her eyes darted in every direction, constantly looking over her shoulder and instinctively touching her waist. It was odd to see a woman behave in such a way. When her eyes weren't scoping out the scenery, they were trained on Michael, taking in his every feature and burning it into her mind. She memorized the number of smile lines and frown lines he had on his face. She memorized his every mannerism and watched how he reacted in different situations.

Like when their server almost passed out at the sight of him. He remained gentle and loving, talking her out of startstruckness, signing a napkin for her, and kindly asking for a different server. She liked how protective he got when guys eyed her for too long and how he made his presence known by slickly stepping closer to her, but never overstepping any boundaries. She loved how manly he was without being overly aggressive. He was secure in his masculinity, he didn't feel the need to manhandle her or deepen or voice or do any of the things Ermias used to do.

He opened doors for her and held her hand to guide her through the establishment and constantly assured her she was safe with him. It made her shoulders drop and her heart start racing. She let her hair down and allowed herself to talk and giggle with him. She felt giddy inside, like a little girl. She didn't have to be mean to him or be hard, he made her drop the act and be her truly feminine self.

"About this singing thing you got going for you, do you love that? Or does it just help you get by?" He asked, not being able to shake that thought. Irish hummed as she chewed her pasta and thought. She took a sip of her sprite before answering.

"At first, it was another money grab for me. Like, I loved the fancy cars, clothes, the attention but all that started to die down within a year. It was unfulfilling for me. After I got over that I realized that I enjoyed being on stage, singing with my sisters. I love performing and hearing people sing our songs. I think I love it. I mean, I could see myself still doing music in 10 years so I guess. I don't really know though." She replied, letting him into her headspace.

He nodded as he rested his head on the palm of his hand giving her his undivided attention. "That's understandable. I mean, you were super young when y'all first started singing right?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yeah. I was 10, but then we were just singing at casinos and talent shows and stuff. When I was 12, that's when we started doing the big girl shows. Even then I didn't know what I wanted. My mom was just like she can sing so she gone sing with y'all. It was Misha and Orish who were really into it."

Again, he nodded, completely entranced by the way she spoke. Her mellifluous voice was like a smooth velvet to his ears. It was funny, the girl was a walking contradiction. She was 5'5 with a baby voice walking around mugging and cursing people as if she was a big guy. She was mean at first but had the softest heart when you got to know her. He wondered what made her walls grow so high that she felt she couldn't be her real self around anyone. If he was a shallow guy, he wouldn't want to get to know her past that nasty attitude she presented, but he knew there was a diamond in the rough.

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