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𝗌𝖾𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝟪𝟢𝗌𝟫𝟢𝗌

Days later, Irish stood beside her dad in the kitchen, preparing for the neighborhood barbecue that was taking place within the next hour. Kids were already outside, running around barefoot with water guns and balloons. Older people already brought their foldable chairs and tables over to the front of the Grinstead home. Some of the older women brought their Mac and cheese and baked beans and other sides. Aaron and Irish were mostly worried about the meats.

"Clu, (clue) you put ice in the cooler and put the drinks in there right?" He asked, glancing back at her as she washed her hands. He was seasoning the raw meat. She smacked her teeth and turned to him, placing her hands on her hips. "Daddy, how many questions are you gonna ask me? Yes, I put ice and drinks in the coolers, yet I put coal on the grill, yes I helped the people set up the food table, yes I brought the games out, yes I swept the porch, and yes I set up the trash cans out there. Anything else you need?" She snapped sassily.

Aaron squinted his eyes, trying to think if there was anything else she had to do. After a second of silence, he replied "Yes actually."

Irish groaned, holding back the urge to throw a tantrum, settling with a light foot stomp. "I need you to go brush them teeth" he spat. Irish mugged him as she jerked her head back. "I wouldn't be caught dead with a stank mouth, you know this man! Find someone else to play with Aaron."

Aaron laughed as she waved him off and walked away looking just like him. It was scary how alike their mannerisms were. "Hurry up and get dressed so I can know what I'm finna wear!" He shouted after her in a joking matter. Irish smacked her teeth knowing he was dead serious and conjured up an outfit in her head she knew he couldn't copy.

She rushed into her room and redid her morning routine since she now stunk of seasoning and sweat from setting up outside. She got in the shower and did her whole hygiene routine. By the time she was done, she could hear the music blasting outside the house faintly through her cracked window. She shook at her dad's inability to wait for her and continued getting dressed. Times like this made her mentally praise Orish for her shopping addiction because she knew exactly what she was going to wear.

She dug into one of the many shopping bags that sat on a chair in her room and pulled out a fitted white crop top and threw it on, not thinking twice about wearing a bra. Not like she had much there anyway. Then she pulled out a purple 2 piece Juicy Couture set. The bottoms stopped just below her butt cheeks and the cropped jacket was just below her boobs. She grabbed a new pair of sunglasses out of a different bag and put them on her head, using them as a headband.

 She grabbed a new pair of sunglasses out of a different bag and put them on her head, using them as a headband

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