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I am outside the campus, on the way to a diner.

Earlier, Eirene and Celestine invited me to join them for a meal off-campus. Though I was Initially hesitant due to the previous incident that occured the first time I went outside the campus, I eventually agreed, reassured by their assurances. Kali was supposed to come along, but she's still recuperating from her duel with Ronan last week.

Speaking of Kali, I notice some changes in her since her last fight, I think what happened really emotionally shook her, because Despite her playful demeanor returning alongside her physical healing, there are moments when she seems distant. Although she insists she's fine, I sense something is troubling her, but I won't press her; she'll confide in me when she's ready.

Eirene, Celestine, and I borrowed Kali's car and arrived at a diner. Upon entering, a blonde girl waved us over. She was with someone familiar, although her back was turned. As we approached, I recognized the other girl—it was Azriel.

"Hey, Ria," Eirene greeted, hugging the girl named Ria, Celestine does too, after their brief embrace Ria glanced at me and smiled warmly.

"Hi," she extended her hand, "I'm Aria."

I shook her hand, "Aelia, nice to meet you."

"It's good to finally meet you," Aria responded, emphasizing "finally" while glancing at Azriel, who remained indifferent.

"Aren't you going to greet us, Fran?" Eirene asked Azriel with a smirk.

Fran? Is that her second name or something? How does Eirene know her?

"What for? I saw you on campus this afternoon," Azriel replied coldly, making Eirene chuckle.

"What about my friend here, Bella?" Eirene pressed, pointing at me but Azriel just glanced at me with emotionless eyes before returning to her meal.

"Would you like to join us?" Aria offered.

"It seems you're about to finish your meal; we'll sit somewhere else," Celestine declined politely. Aria nodded, and we moved to an empty table nearby.

"I didn't know you were friends," I whispered to Eirene as we sat.

"Blair said she doesn't have friends."

"That's what she wants people to think," Eirene replied. "I've known her since before Ravenwood, but we don't interact much inside the campus. She's a very private person who likes to be alone most of the time, And she don't want other students to know we're friends with her, her reason? I don't know." She explained then let out a humorless chuckle.

Although I'm still quite curious but  respecting the privacy, I didn't press further. I glanced back at their table and caught Azriel staring at me. I quickly looked away.


During our meal, Celestine suddenly turned to me, "Hey, Bella I want to ask something." She said while I gave her a nod encouraging her to continue.
"What's going on with you and Kali?"

Confused, I responded, "Kali and I? Nothing, we're friends."

"You sure?" She asked seeming to be unconvinced by my response.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, You two seem very close and sweet towards each other, so I was just wondering. Although, it's non of my business, I'm just curios" she laughed. "Kali is my friend but she never tells me anything." She added.

"We're close because she's nice and I'm comfortable around her, that's it. Don't read too much into it" I chuckle,
"and maybe she's not telling you anything because there is nothing to tell." I explained. They seemed to be reading too much into our friendship.

"But, would you date her?" Eirene asked, making me choke on my water.

"No, Eirene. We're just friends. I see her as an older sister."

"Okay, we were just wondering. But is there anyone on campus who caught your attention?" Celestine asked.

"None," I dismissed, puzzled by their sudden interest.

"No one at all? Someone who makes you curious?" she pressed.

Unbidden, Azriel's intense brown eyes came to mind.

The first time I caught a glimpse of it, it haunts me so much throughout the day, so much that it made me follow her like a stalker.

Her brown eyes, when she pulled me to save me from an attack I'm not even aware of, how she looked at me with worry despite how cold her stare was.

Her brown eyes when she then again saved me from Izel, there was something in her eyes that moment that I cannot point my finger what. But one thing is for sure, The way she threaten Izel to save me, it made me feel something.

Her whole demeanor and the mysterious air that surrounds her, makes me curious, too curious. That I started thinking about her constantly. Too curious, that there is something within me that wants to get to know her.

I shrugged my thoughts.

And despite myself, I admitted, "Azriel."

Eirene raised her eyebrow in a teasing manner so I quickly dismissed her, I don't want her to know I have a crush on her friend.

Wait, I don't even have a crush on her, I'm just curious.

Yep, curious.

"Don't look at me like that, Eirene. I'm just curious about her. Nothing more. She's just really mysterious."

I heard Eirene chuckle before going back to eating her pasta.
"That's common," Eirene shrugged. "Everyone's curious about her."

Of course, everyone is curious about her. Not just me.

By then, Aria and Azriel had already left the diner.

As we finished our meal, my RWD chimed with a notification:

**Warning! Every student outside the campus, quickly get back on the school grounds as fast as possible. A blacklist abyssal has escaped from tartarus!**

After reading the alert, suddenly, a loud bang reverberated outside, followed by screams, everyone in the diner snapped their heads to where the screams are coming from, then suddenly, A young man entered the restaurant, blood all over his shirt.

"It's lilith." His words before dropping on the ground. Lifeless.

Everyone has different reactions, some panicked, and ran outside and on different directions. Some are more worried about the young man, and some are clueless, including me. Who the hell is lilith?
I looked over to Eirene, and she looks surprised.

"We need to go." Are her words before grabbing me and dragging me outside. Celestine quickly following us.

"Eirene, what the hell is happening?" I asked.

We made it outside the restaurant and saw a lot of people panicking. The three of us quickly run to where Kali's car was parked.

"Lilith is an abyssal. She's blacklist number 12."

"What the hell is an abyssal? blacklist? And what do you mean number 12?"

Celestine quickly maneuvered the car but careful not to hit anyone.

"A very evil supernatural, a notorious criminal. Merciless. There are 18 blacklist abyssals, and Lilith is number 12."

"She's a manipulator, she killed hundreds of people about 100 years ago, before she was captured by Alcaeus, a well known Maverick."

"But aside from all that, there is one thing everyone knows about lilith." Eirene paused then looked at me.

"She hunts down elementals."


Hello! Guess who's back?
I am deeply sorry for not updating for a very long time.

This is the first time in months that I actually opened my Wattpad. I got very busy with life. I am working and trying to quickly finish my master's, So I got very little time for myself.

I'll make it up though, I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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