3: Ghost And Josh Are #Goals

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It was way past midnight and after twelve, shit always got weird. It's just a fact. Josh and Ghost had an adventure through tumblr and now they were in Josh's kitchen at one am stuffing marshmallows in their faces.

"Huhhy unhy" Ghost was failing at this but Josh was on a role. They were doing something called 'chubby bunny.' It was Josh's great idea after they had seen videos of people doing said challenge.

"How do you fit so many in your mouth?" Ghost had spit out the marshmallows and accepted he had lost this round.

"I don't know really?" Josh had swallowed his marshmallows along with his dignity. "I guess it's 'cause I have no gag reflex."

"That's the gayest thing I've ever heard you say." Ghost rolled his eyes at the flaming homo before him. Josh wasn't literally flaming, that would be a problem, I mean he wasn't Michael Clifford after all.

"I'm not gay!" Josh protested, but I mean let's be real here, Josh was gayer than Ryan Ross. Okay maybe that was an overstatement but you get the point.

"Prove it."


It was only a party, I mean he was new anyway. Maria and Ash had convinced him to go anyway. What could go wrong?

Ricky didn't know anybody therefore he was following Ash and Maria around, he was kind of like the gay-best-friend. Although Ricky was 85.6% heterosexual.

The only problem now, was that he lost the two girls and now he was in some house of some person he didn't know surrounded by strangers. Most everybody was drunk, although this was a highschool party.

After standing in a corner for about fifteen minutes, Ricky just decided to bail. Ash and Maria probably wouldn't notice he was gone anyway.


Of course Ricky, being the little shit he is, decided to ignore everything Spider told him and make his way to the cemetery. It was dark and creepy, but so was Ricky.

He wasn't really thinking when he approached the old gates. He just stood there. Completely motionless, he wanted to open those gates but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He was just frozen.

It was the kind of frozen that was terrifying. The kind that was influenced by fear. There was nothing to be afraid of though, Ricky had been here many times before, but it all felt so new.

But before he could get the courage to open the gate, it became apparent that Ricky wasn't alone.



Yo I didn't know what to do with this chapter and I don't know we're this is going but it'll all make sense in a little bit. You can hate me for not updating in a month whatever. Also this chapter went through around 12 different titles before I just settled on one. THANK YOU LOVE YOU BYE!!!

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