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Yoyo yoyoyoyo

Guys it's me the author of this story, ik I'm not writing a nice and interesting story.

But this not my fault -_- cause i doesn't have any ideas when ever I try to write i feel really uncomfortable i want to give up on writing sometimes.

But ur votes help me to write sooo please comment ur story or what u need in this story i will try to meet ur demands

Pls dont think of ignoring this, if u do i will appear in urs dream hehehe




Okok Frist i will give a spoiler hehe

In this story Sakura will lot of people's who will care about her, but Sakura will not understand this her mind will filled with negative thoughts.

But after meeting the ml our sasuke kun she will understand.

He captivated her with his sweet smile that's only for her, his honey like lies
Will made her in love with him.

Sakura will not know the real face of her lover.........

She will blind by him but-

The real question is that is sasuke love Sakura or he just using her

With that the Frist season willl end.....

Tell me ur opinion and don't ignore me and this notice

Bye~.  Meow meow

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