Rest stop

19 2 4

*Leo's Pov*
Headphones in is the best way to road trip. Music blasting in your ears while looking out the window. Beautiful.

That is just a dream. In a car filled with teenage demigods who just woke up 2 hours ago yeah that whole thing will be a dream. Jason head was on top of mine and he was sleeping. Thank gods for that. I don't think he slept a lot last night.

"Leo! Did you head Shel is coming." Piper squealed right in my ear.

"No, it's not like you've been screaming it the whole time." I said.

"Not the time for sarcasm Leo." She crossed her arms and went back to talking with Will.

Hazel and Frank fell asleep cuddling each other and if it weren't for me being in a car filled with the best people on earth I would've fanboyed.

Why do people have to be so loud. Machines are even more quiet than these people.

"Are we there yet?" Percy asked for the thousandth time. I groaned and stuck my hands over my ears. Didn't help. Please just go faster.

Jules-Albert stopped at a break point and I was the first one out. I ran to the bathroom and hid in a stall not wanting to talk to anyone before we had to leave again.

After a minute I heard Jason and Percy's voices.

"My head hurts." Jason complained.

"Well dude Leo literally darted off do you hit your head but you've been through worse." Percy said. Well fuck I hurt my boyfriend. Wonderful Leo. Oh look award winning champion for hurting they're boyfriend is Leo Valdez.

Someone knocked on my stall and I let out a yelp.

"Leo are you in there?" Jason asked. I covered my mouth not breathing.

"He is." Percy said coming over the top of the stall. I shooed him away.

"Leo let me in." Jason laughed.

"No both of you go away." I demanded.

"Leo please." Jason begged.

"No, now come get me when we're leaving." I responded. I heard both Percy and Jason sigh and they left the bathroom.

Why was I like this? Machines are much better then humans. You don't have to talk to machines but humans it's all complicated.

I sighed and collected myself. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I looked myself in the mirror and I saw Jason behind me.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Well no but I did want to make sure my boyfriend was ok." He explained wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed and leaned back into him.

"So you ok?" He asked looking down at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a lot was happening and I wanted some alone time." I explained. He kissed my cheek.

"Well tell me if anything gets to loud or anything tell me." He said.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Now you want to go now?" He asked. I nodded and took him by the hand. We walked out. We saw Will having a fight with some random man. Jason just sighed and shook his head. Nico looked uncomfortable and Piper was helping Will during this fight. The man looked like a rip off of Santa. He had white hair and a big beard. His cheeks were red and sunken in.

Everyone just watched from the sidelines. Jason squeezed my hand and pulled away to go see if Nico was alright. I walked over to Piper and Will.

"Pipes what's happening?" I whispered.

"This man told Will and Nico that they should die and they would burn in hell for kissing." Piper explained. I glared at the man. I sighed and took Will and Piper by their shirts. I dragged them over to the group and turned back to the old man.

"Friend had to come save you." The man mocked.

"I am so sorry for them." I apologized.

"Thank God someone who's nice and ain't gay." The man sighed.

"Yeah I'm not gay, but I am pan." I scoffed. I turned to the car and saw Jules-Albert giving the death stare at the man. I shook my head and walked to the car. I got in the far back with Jason eight after me.

After a minute everyone jumped into the car and Jules-Albert floored it.

"What happened this time?" Jason asked.

"Nico got mad and uh yeah." Piper explained. Lucky for Hazel and Frank who were still asleep.


Why do I kin Leo in this chapter?

I'm writing this while on a road trip with friends and family so I thought I'd based it off my experience.

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