Chapter 11

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Lucas's perspective
We just finished Season 1 of MacGyver and I had a fantastic time shooting it. Despite being pregnant with twins, I still thoroughly enjoyed working on Season 1. Everything looks amazing, including the trailers. Although I experienced some pain during Season 1, my boyfriend and partner in crime, George Eads, was there with me throughout. Since I woke up this morning, my belly has been hurting. I was in my trailer with George, lying in bed next to him as he gently rubbed my belly. I felt a bit nauseous because of the pain and discomfort in my belly. Both of us heard a rumbling noise coming from a stomach. I couldn't help but chuckle. George asked if it was my stomach making the noise. I looked at him and replied that it wasn't mine. George insisted that it wasn't his either. Suddenly, we heard the noise again. I told him that it must be him because it definitely wasn't me. George finally admitted that it was him and that he was just teasing me. I rolled my eyes in response. George then asked if I was hungry. I shook my head, indicating that I hadn't had an appetite all day. He told me to let him know if I got hungry. I nodded in agreement. George got up and went to prepare dinner while I laid in bed, feeling peaceful.

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