first part

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Jackie sat in her usual spot in the school cafeteria, quietly eating her lunch and trying to avoid attracting any attention. She didn't fit in with the popular clique, but she was okay with that. She had her close group of friends who she could rely on and that was all she needed.
Just as she was finishing up her meal, she felt a sharp pinch on her side. She looked up to see one of the meanest and most popular girls in school, Tiffany, standing in front of her with a cruel smirk on her face. "OMG, Jackie, you're getting fat!" Tiffany exclaimed, loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear. Jackie felt her face reddening with embarrassment as Tiffany pinched her side again, making her flinch. The other students around them started to snicker and whisper among themselves, enjoying the mean girl's cruel antics. Jackie felt tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let Tiffany see her cry. Ignoring the whispers and laughter, Jackie stood up and squared her shoulders, looking Tiffany straight in the eye. "Why are you being so mean, Tiffany? What did I ever do to you?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly but filled with determination.  Tiffany just laughed in response, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "Oh, please, Jackie. You don't belong here with the cool kids. You're just a pathetic little loser who needs to be put in her place," she said.

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