part 2

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Jackie couldn't believe what she was seeing on her phone as she scrolled through her Instana feed. People were talking badly about her body, making cruel comments and mocking her appearance. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt the weight of their words crushing down on her. Feeling defeated and worthless, Jackie decided to escape to the one place where she could be alone- the school bathroom. She locked herself in a stall and stared at her reflection in the cracked mirror. All she could see were flaws and imperfections staring back at her. She felt disgusted with herself, overwhelmed by the pressure to fit in and meet society's standards of beauty.  In a moment of desperation, Jackie kneeled over the toilet and forced herself to throw up. The act left her feeling empty and hollow inside, but it was the only way she knew how to cope with the pain and self-loathing that consumed her. As she flushed the toilet and stood up shakily.

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