Chapter 18 - Ready

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Mike woke up and looked around the room, slightly confused on where he was. He saw a canvas in the corner of the room and realized he was in Will's room, frowning slightly as he didn't remember when he had come into Will's room. He got up and wandered into the kitchen, seeing Will and El stood there talking.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." El chuckled as she saw Mike stood there.

"Morning." Mike grumbled, his head absolutely banging from last night.

"It's not morning any more, it's like, 4pm. You slept in way too late." El scoffed.

"I don't care. . ." Mike murmured, still very sleepy.

"You okay?" Will asked, noticing how weird he was acting.

"Absolutely not, my head is fucking killing me." Mike groaned, Will chuckling and grabbing him a quick glass of water.

"Drink this. I'll grab you some paracetamol in a minute." He spoke as he handed Mike the glass.

Mike quickly drank all of the water, setting down the now empty glass and looking around the room, seeing everybody else still sat in the living room. They were all now awake and watching TV, Lucas and Max sat together while Dustin tried to pick what to watch.

"The fuck? Why are they here?" He frowned.

"They all came back here last night, do you not remember?" Will asked.

"No?" Mike frowned.

"Dude, you were absolutely hammered last night, no wonder you don't remember anything." Dustin giggled, Will letting out a small chuckle as he thought back to the night before.

"Don't worry though, Max and Lucas can't remember a thing either. Your little love confession was only heard by us three." El teased.

"Love confession!?" Mike repeated, absolutely horrified, "What the fuck do you mean love confession!?" He asked.

"Ooh, I wanna know what he said!" Max grinned as she turned around to look at everybody.

"While we were all walking home Mike decided to announce that he loves Will. I actually got a video of it because I was trying to record a video of a frog I saw when he started blabbering on about Will." Dustin announced, Mike's jaw dropping.

"You have got to be fucking kidding." He murmured.

Dustin grabbed his phone from his pocket and got up the video, Mike's face now bright red as everybody heard him talking about how gay he was.

"I am so, so gay." Mike's voice came from the phone, everybody giggling at how proud he seemed.

"Dude, you're so weird." Lucas giggled, Mike glaring at him and sticking his middle finger up.

"Whatever." Mike scoffed, sticking his middle finger up at them all and rolling his eyes.

"You aren't denying it." Lucas snickered, Mike scowling and giving Lucas a small push.

"Shut up, I'm not weird." Mike scowled.

"Whatever you say." Lucas grinned, a teasing grin on his face.

Mike just glared at him before noticing everybody staring at them.

"Why are you all still here? Go home for God sake. I'm tired and you're all pissing me off." Mike grumbled.

"Don't be rude." Will scoffed, giving his arm a small smack.

"They're being annoying! Do you not agree?" Mike scowled.

"I agree but there are nicer ways to say that!" Will scowled back.

"Ugh, fine. Will you all please go home?" Mike smiled, using the sweetest and most polite tone he could.

"Of course." Lucas grinned back, giving Mike's cheek a pinch before grabbing his stuff.

"Wow, Michael. Kicking me out." Dustin pouted.

"Dude, just go away." Mike grumbled, not in the mood to talk.

"Fine." Dustin scoffed.

Everybody left after a few more minutes of annoying Mike, Mike and Will now sat down together at the table drinking some coffee Will had made for them.

"What's wrong? You seem a bit-. . . I don't know, weird?" Will frowned.

"Nothing's wrong. Just thinking." Mike gave him a small smile.

"About?" Will frowned.

"Wh- I don't-" Mike stammered, letting out a small sigh and pausing, "You know the way I asked you out on a date?" He sighed.

"Yeah. . ?" Will frowned, not sure where Mike was going with this.

"Do you- Do you wanna go now?" He asked, obviously insanely nervous, Will frowning and looking up at him "Wh- Well obviously we need to like, actually get dressed and shit bu-" He stammered.

"Mike, I'd love to go now. Stop panicking." Will smiled, Mike looking up at him nervously, "Why don't we go and get dressed and we can meet back here in half an hour?" Will offered, Mike just nodding nervously before quickly scurrying off.

Mike paced around his room for a good ten minutes, four different outfits out on his bed as he tried to pick between them. He looked between them again and decided he needed to ask for help so he picked up his phone and tried to find someone to help him. He hesitated as he looked between the two friends he had, knowing neither of them would be able to help him. As he was about to just give up he saw El's name and decided to just try and see if she could help.

El!! ♡

hi.. um, can u pls help me pick an outfit for a date? sorry ik its weird but i just i cant pick out outfits and make them look good

of course!! omg, is the date with will?


how did you know that?

mike. im literally his twin. he tells me everything.

oh. well yes it is so can i please have help?

send me a picture of whatever clothes you have and ill see what would be date appropriate

Mike quickly took a photo and sent it to her, El helping him to pick an outfit and Mike thanking her for the help. He tried to do his hair as best as he could, standing in front of the mirror stressing about literally everything he could before finally walking out of his bedroom and seeing Will sat down texting someone, seemingly unbothered.

"Hi. . ." Mike spoke nervously.

"Hi." Will smiled, getting up and walking over to him, "You ready to go?" He asked, Mike nodding softly.

"Great, let's go!" Will smiled, gently taking Mike's hand and pulling him out of the door.

guys i am do sorry about how LONG its been since ive updated?? its exams week next week and i am STRESSING BRUH. wish me luck 🤞🤞

{Word Count: 1069}

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