Cards We Are Dealt - CarmenCrackers

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1. Title:
The title used by the author is quite apt for the story he/she is developing. It's unique and very eye catching! I loved it!

2. Blurb:
The blurb is very well written! It has an engaging hook that draws the attention of the reader with just a glance. It clearly portrays the stakes in the story! I feel the author can work on the pacing and flow and I also feel introducing the characters' names earlier might help readers connect with them from the start. Mentioning Ace and Eloise sooner could make the blurb more engaging.

3. Cover:
The cover is spot on! From the font to the colours used, it is perfect!

4. Flow of Text:
• I found the story confusing at first but as I kept on reading, I couldn't stop! Like we only give review based on the first three chapters but the way the author's plot is developing it is very hooking!
• The character development in awesome and I loved how she/he added aesthetics of the characters in the starting which helps the reader to picturise while reading.
• The pacing and flow of the next is beautiful there are no abrupt transitions between scenes so dear writer very good job! The descriptions are vivid and beautifully written!

5. Grammar and spelling:
I found a few errors in grammar here and there, no major errors. I would suggest the author to read the chapters once and correct them. Great job!

6. Is the story intriguing?
Damn yes! I couldn't find myself to stop! The way the author created a plot by using inspiration from Beauty and The Beast and Alice in Wonderland is absolutely amazing!
The variety of words used but the author to avoid repetition is very good!

Reviewer: EclipseNoir

Echoes of Elysium: Short review (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now