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She whipes her eyes,  and heads towards her vehicle. She gets in and slams the door , but she so angry and the door will not shut , her anger makes her not think straight. So she looks down to see if anything is blocking the door from closing.  She steps outside and sees nothing blocking the door. So she keeps trying to slam the door. Her anger builds up higher than ever, and she alarms the door with all of her might and the door finally shuts but with all the blunt force she used the glass shatters, it makes a loud shatter on the ground and inside her truck..

Andrew comes running out in nothing but his boxers, Justine is leaning against her truck on the ground crying. She sees him and she quickly rubs her tears away, she gets up and she places her hand on ground where the glass lays, she slices her hand " mother fxcker ,ow!" Her hand slices open , a drunk and treat rushes over with a towel that was on the porch to help her, as blood is running down her arm now. She pushes him away as she stands up, "get away from me" she opens her truck door, gets in and gets a t-shirt from her back seat and wraps it around her hand.. she throws her truck on , puts it in reverse and spins backwards ,throwing dust all over Andrew. 
As she hits the drive way at the end. She throws up her middle finger out the window towards him. She's gone..
She arrives at the park n lot of the only hospital that's in town, walks into the emergency room , with an old shirt wrapped around her hand, she walks up to the front desk ,and the front desk lady says ,"what can I help you with tonight ma'am "  .. Justine raises her hand and shows the blood soaked wrap around her hand.   The lady says "are you missing any fingers or body parts" Justine shakes her head no.  The lady hands her a clip board and tells her to fill it out as best as she could... since she hurt her right hand,she has to fill it out with her left hand which she isn't very good at it.

Andrew's brother sees her through the clear door as he just been in the waiting room. He gets up and walks to her, " hey you here for beaux" she again lifts up her hand to show another her reasoning...

What the Frick Justine, what happened, she take a breath in and let's out a sigh... "I slammed my door on my truck to hard & it busted the glass inside my truck and I got in and I guess a piece of glass cut me, I don't know it happened so quickly" he looks at her ,not knowing what the actual truth was "

He says "Damm sorry to hear that"

Justine asks him ,trying to change the subject "have you heard anything about beaux yet?"

He shakes his head "nothing new in the past hour" .. as she finishes her paperwork, she hands it back to the front desk lady.  She goes to take a seat and wait to be called back.. as they sat there and talked  . She hears a faint voice , "Justine " ..

She stands up and goes through the double door.  Right as Andrew pulls up and walks through the doors. "Sorry bro, I'm back ,did I miss anything? I would've been here sooner but my tire got busted by a piece of glass that was on the ground"

His brother looks at him in a strange look,but didn't say nothing , just shook his head no..

They sit there in silence ,while they wait for any news...

Andrew falls asleep in his chair, with his arms cross and his head dangling... Justine comes out after getting her hand stitched up, her eyes widen as she sees him there. She walks by fast to bypass him so he doesn't wake up.. she gets into her truck ,and heads home.  It's about 12:08 in the morning now... she starts to cry now that her adrenaline has calmed down and she is left with her own thoughts... she unlocks her front door,  goes inside and plops on the couch, takes her boots off , she grabs the tv remote ... she feels numb and just feels the reminder of what happened replays in her head... she sits up.  Puts her boots back on . Grabs her keys again and heads out .... she can't be alone..

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