VIII: The interrogation (part II)

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-Im back, do you know what you re going to order?- the waitress said
-Yes, of course, we want some beers, im going to want a double cheese burger, and Dexter...-
-Oh, i want a simple burger- I said.
-Of course, I'll bring them to you- said the waitress, picking up the menus.

We looked at each other again, neither of us said anything, he ran his tongue over his teeth, i guess he was looking for something to say, i looked at what he was doing, then we both looked up, we felt uncomfortable and both looked away.
We both wanted information about each other, he wanted to know if I was to blame for what happened in the morgue and I wanted to know how his parents discovered me.

-What music do you like?- James asked, trying to converse
-I like rock and metal,... u know like, Black Sabbath, Coven, Led Zeppeling, The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys, The Rolling Stones, what do you like?- i ask to continue the conversation

-Here are the hamburgers- said the waitress, leaving them on the table.
-Oh, thanks- i say n i took my hamburguer

James took a bite of his hamburger
-Stupid kid- he just wants to bother me, he n his shittie father...
-What? What did u say?-
damn, i speak out loud
-Is your burger delicious?- I said, smiling and pretending that that was what i said
-Dont use that seductive tone with me-
What? If i only speak normal, i will kill this child at any moment
Dont worry, Dexter, he is teasing you, he does it on purpose, he wants to check if his fathers theories are true, stay calm.
-Oh i didnt answer your last question- he said
-What question?- i ask
-What music i like-
-Oh yeah, right, you didnt tell me-
-I like Black Sabbath, Led Zeppeling and The Rolling Stones, just like you-
-Are good bands, what are your favorites songs?-
-Well, of Black Sabbath, war pigs, of Led Zeppeling Babe im gonna leave you, and of The Rolling Stones Paint it, black what about you?-
-My favorite song of Black Sabbath is Paranoid, of Led Zeppeling is Thank you, and of The Rolling Stones definitely Everybody needs somebody to love-
-Oh you have a really good music taste-
-thank you, you too-
What is he trying to do, acting like my friend?
-In one weeks is new year, do you wanna do something Dexy?- James ask me
Did he call me Dexy?
-Did you call me Dexy?-
-yeah, why that bothers you?- he ask surprised
-no, i dont think so, Jimmy-
-oh okay, so you wanna do something?-
-To be honest, no, my wife is with her family, and I dont have any friends or family, so i guess no-
-Do you want to do something with me?- He looked a little unsure of his question
I want to do many things with you, I want us to go to my house, so I can kill you, I want us to never see each other again, I want you to disappear.
-Yes, sure, like what?- i replied
-I don't know, maybe we could have dinner at your house on January 1st-
Did he just invite himself to my house?
-Yes, it sounds fine-
-What would you like to eat?- I would like to eat you
-How about roast chicken?-
-Sure, its a shame my wife isnt here, she makes good chicken- fuck i feel so sad and empty without she
-its okay, im sure you are good cooking too-
What is he trying to do by being nice?
We finished our burgers, i paid and we left, we would see each other in a week
I dont know why...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2024 ⏰

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